Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Restore term limits


Congratula­tions to the intrepid Arkansans who qualified their proposed term-limits amendment for the November ballot. Thought we already had term limits? Yes, Arkansans put the strictest term-limits law in the land on the ballot and it passed overwhelmi­ngly in a real “blue wave” election in 1992. Although the Supreme Court struck down the limits on federal officials, our term limits for state officials served us well for over 20 years, and were greatly popular.

When elected officials tried to put an extension of term limits in our Constituti­on, the voters slapped them down with considerab­le authority. In 2014 our dishonest legislator­s put a confusingl­y misleading amendment on the ballot that appeared to be about ethics in government and, oh by the way at the very end, “establishe­d term limits.” Term limits we had, but the phony ethics amendment approximat­ely doubled them. I believe it would never have passed had the ballot title been honest and upfront about raising limits.

Now Arkansans have a chance to undo this injustice in the November election. Please vote for the real term-limits amendment to re-establish the term limits that served us so well from 1993-2014. The longer pols are in office, the less likely to be free from corruption they are. Read the papers and tell me how well our “ethics” amendment has been working for us. Come serve a short time then go back to work in the real world under the laws with which you have saddled the rest of us. KARL T. KIMBALL

Little Rock

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