Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

2 anti-rape activists win peace prize

Congo doctor aids victims;Yazidi survivor tells her story


OSLO, Norway — A Congolese doctor who treats rape victims and an Iraqi woman who speaks out for those — like herself — who were raped and tortured by the Islamic State group won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for their work to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.

The award “is partly to highlight the awareness of sexual violence. But the further purpose of this is that nations take responsibi­lity, that communitie­s take responsibi­lity and that the internatio­nal community take responsibi­lity,” said Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairman of the committee, which bestowed the $1.01 million prize.

“Dear survivors from all over the world, I would like to tell you that, through this Nobel Prize, the world is listening to you and refusing indifferen­ce,” Denis Mukwege, 63, said at a news conference outside the hospital he founded in Bukavu in eastern Congo, where he has treated tens of thousands of victims — among them “women, teenage girls, small girls, babies,” he said Friday.

“The world refuses to remain idle with arms crossed facing your suffering. We hope that the world will not put off acting with force and determinat­ion in your favor because the survival of humanity depends on you,” Mukwege said.

Nadia Murad, 25, was one of an estimated 3,000 girls and women from Iraq’s Yazidi minority group who were kidnapped in 2014 by Islamic State militants and sold into sexual slavery. She was raped, beaten and tortured before escaping three months later. After getting treatment in Germany, she chose to speak to the world about the horrors faced by Yazidi women, regardless of the stigma in her culture surroundin­g rape.

In 2016, she was named the United Nations’ first Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Traffickin­g, and her advocacy helped spur a U.N. investigat­ion that is collecting evidence of war crimes by Islamic State extremists.

In a statement, Murad said she was “incredibly honored” by the prize.

“As a survivor, I am grateful for this opportunit­y to draw internatio­nal attention to the plight of the Yazidi people who have suffered unimaginab­le crimes since the genocide” by Islamic State militants, she said. “Many Yazidis will look upon this prize and think of family members that were lost, are still unaccounte­d for, and of the 1,300 women and children, which remain in captivity.”

This year’s peace prize comes during heightened global attention to the sexual abuse of women — in war, in the workplace and in society — that has been highlighte­d by the #MeToo movement.

“#MeToo and war crimes are not quite the same thing, but they do, however, have in common that it is important to see the suffering of women,” said Reiss-Andersen of the Nobel committee.

In the United States, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg also noted that the award comes during a global reckoning over sexual violence. She tweeted a link to the Nobel announceme­nt, saying “the timing of this topic is extraordin­ary as we fight for the end of #ViolenceAg­ainstWomen.”


Mukwege is the son of a preacher who traveled around eastern Congo in the years before war convulsed the region, taking millions of lives. But even before the wars, health care at the time was grim. Horrified by the amount of childbirth complicati­ons his father’s parishione­rs asked him to pray over, he became determined to enter the medical field, eventually traveling to France to specialize in gynecology.

He founded Panzi Hospital in 1999, just as eastern Congo was overtaken by a new wave of violence that became infamous for its brutality, particular­ly toward women. Militias from Congo, Rwanda and Uganda tore across eastern Congo for the better part of a decade, raping and pillaging.

Panzi Hospital was where tens of thousands of rape victims went for treatment, some showing up naked, others having already been to the hospital after previous rapes. Mukwege treated countless victims, often working 18-hour days. He only stopped for a period of 2½ months after he narrowly survived a 2012 assassinat­ion attempt and sought refuge in France.

Solange Furaha Lwashiga, a Congolese women’s activist, noted the surgeon’s work repairing not only the physical damage but also the mental scars suffered by the victims, empowering them. “Dr. Mukwege brings smiles and helps repair women from the barbaric acts of men in Congo,” she said.

Mukwege was in surgery — his second operation of the day — when the peace prize was announced, and he learned about it from patients and colleagues who were crying with joy.

Mobile phone footage showed a smiling Mukwege jostled by dancing, ululating medical colleagues in scrubs in the hospital’s courtyard.

Eastern Congo has seen more than two decades of conflict among armed groups that either sought to unseat presidents or simply grab control of some of the central African nation’s vast mineral wealth.

“The importance of Dr. Mukwege’s enduring, dedicated and selfless efforts in this field cannot be overstated. He has repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape and criticized the Congolese government and other countries for not doing enough to stop the use of sexual violence against women as a strategy and weapon of war,” the Nobel committee said.

Murad’s book, The Last Girl, tells of her captivity, the loss of her family and her eventual escape.

She is the second-youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize, after Malala Yousafzai, who in 2014 won the prize at age 17.

In her book, she wrote about her experience­s, calling her captivity “a slow, painful death — of the body and the soul.”

Murad has since traveled around the world campaignin­g for the documentat­ion of war crimes and the rescue of Yazidis still held by Islamic State fighters. In 2016, thenU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the Islamic State had been responsibl­e for “genocide” against Yazidis and several other groups living under its control.

“This is not something I chose,” Murad told The Washington Post in an interview last year. “Somebody had to tell these stories. It’s not easy.”

The Yazidis are an ancient religious minority, falsely branded as devil worshipper­s by Sunni Muslim extremists. The Islamic State, adopting a radical interpreta­tion of ancient Islamic texts, declared that Yazidi women and even young girls could be taken as sex slaves.

Iraqi President Bahram Saleh praised the award for Murad, saying on Twitter that it was an “honor for all Iraqis who fought terrorism and bigotry.”

Congo’s government congratula­ted Mukwege, while acknowledg­ing that relations with him have been strained because of his criticism of the government.

In a statement, President Joseph Kabila’s special representa­tive said: “We are proud that the fight and initiative­s led by [Democratic Republic of Congo] through Dr. Mukwege, for the re-establishm­ent of the dignity and the respect of women is finally recognized internatio­nally.”


In other Nobel prizes this year, the medicine prize went Monday to James Allison of the University of Texas and Tasuku Honjo of Kyoto University, whose discoverie­s helped cancer doctors fight many advanced-stage tumors and save an “untold” number of lives.

Scientists from the United States, Canada and France shared the physics prize Tuesday for revolution­izing the use of lasers in research.

On Wednesday, three researcher­s who “harnessed the power of evolution” to produce enzymes and antibodies that have led to a new best-selling drug won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.

The winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, honoring Alfred Nobel, the founder of the five Nobel Prizes, will be revealed Monday.

No Nobel literature prize was awarded this year after a sex-abuse scandal at the Swedish Academy, which chooses the winner. The academy plans to announce both the 2018 and the 2019 winners next year — although the head of the Nobel Foundation has said the body must fix its tarnished reputation first.

The man at the center of the Swedish Academy scandal, Jean-Claude Arnault, a major cultural figure in Sweden, was sentenced Monday to two years in prison for rape. Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Jim Heintz, Carley Petesch, Mark Lewis, Cara Anna, Dave Bryan, Bassem Mroue, David Keyton, Jennifer Peltz and Saleh Mwanamilon­go of The Associated Press; and by Chico Harlan, Max Bearak, Loveday Morris and Anne-Marie O’Connor of The Washington Post.

 ?? AP/Norwegian Church Aid ?? Denis Mukwege (center) celebrates his Nobel Peace Prize award with the staff Friday at his Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, Congo, where he has treated many rape victims.
AP/Norwegian Church Aid Denis Mukwege (center) celebrates his Nobel Peace Prize award with the staff Friday at his Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, Congo, where he has treated many rape victims.
 ?? AP/TERJE PEDERSON ?? Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairman of the Norwegian Peace Prize Committee in Oslo, said Friday that part of the award’s purpose is for nations, communitie­s and the internatio­nal community “to take responsibi­lity” in stopping sexual violence.
AP/TERJE PEDERSON Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairman of the Norwegian Peace Prize Committee in Oslo, said Friday that part of the award’s purpose is for nations, communitie­s and the internatio­nal community “to take responsibi­lity” in stopping sexual violence.

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