Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Orphanage, park on first lady’s tour


NAIROBI, Kenya — Melania Trump briefly lost her footing when a baby elephant startled her with a sudden move, but the first lady was anything but out of step when children at an orphanage welcomed her to their home with African song and dance.

It didn’t take long for the typically reserved U.S. first lady to dive fully into the moment.

Trump arrived at The Nest orphanage on Friday after helping feed baby elephants. A group of children who live at the orphanage and had been waiting for their American visitor broke into song and dance.

With a child’s hand clasped in each of hers, Trump led the group up a walkway toward the home for orphaned infants.

Earlier Friday, she went to Nairobi National Park to highlight elephant conservati­on.

Trump took a large milk bottle and fed some of the orphaned elephants being raised at the park a few miles outside of downtown Nairobi.

Her focus on saving elephants seemed at odds with policies put forth by her husband, President Donald Trump.

The Trump administra­tion recently decided to again allow Americans to import the body parts of African elephants shot for sport. The administra­tion said removing a ban on elephants imported from Zimbabwe and Zambia and encouragin­g wealthy big-game hunters to kill the threatened mammals would help raise money for conservati­on programs.

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