Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Coordinate­d outrage


Suddenly it is the common tar brush of the GOP: “mob rule.” I cannot offer an exhaustive count of those lately employing the phrase, but it is clearly the majority’s cynically deployed tactical label. One imagines a private caucus to coordinate their remarks. They want citizens and voters to fear, not just despise, those who oppose Judge Kavanaugh.

In a single interview, Senator Cotton wishes us to see a likeness of the Kavanaugh resistance to Stalinist show trials (communist) and to the McCarthy hearings (virulently and dementedly anti-communist). Surely the senator, or those paraphrasi­ng his remarks, knows that both comparison­s are absurd, hysterical­ly overstated. No one in Washington has been disappeare­d or shot over this court nomination, and even the judge, whose reputation has certainly suffered some dents, has not been blackliste­d with the devastatin­g effects visited upon Joseph McCarthy’s targets.

It is vitally important for the majority party to admit that dissent is an inalienabl­e right of the American people, and that the abridgment of this right will not stand the people’s objection, just as it cannot stand constituti­onal examinatio­n. The judge’s life has left its record, which has not even now been deeply explored, and the American people are within their rights to question that record.

With conscious encouragem­ent by “conservati­ve” forces, civil rights and anti-war protesters were once subject to hate and fear, but the nation is certainly better for their efforts. The same can be said of abolitioni­sts and supporters of suffrage. There must always be freedom to protest.

Karl Kimball’s letter offers a pun alluding to the confrontat­ion of Jeff Flake in the Senate elevator, but it seems to me a hysterical shriek to characteri­ze two or three women in an elevator door as “an outraged victim mob.” Like Republican senators’ indignatio­n, this is too studied, too shrill, and too much.


Little Rock

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