Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Georgia band pupils feed, visit children


POWDER SPRINGS, Ga. — Last month at Compton Elementary School, something wonderful happened that we don’t get to see too often.

Band students from Hillgrove High School arrived to hang out with the little guys, talk and to make sure, if for some reason there was no food in their homes during fall break this week, they had something to eat.

That was the first thing that gave me goose pimples.

The second was that the effort was the brainchild of 17-year-old Nathan Jones, not the adults in the crowd.

Jones is a junior and a mean trumpet player with the Hillgrove Hawks band.

The idea, he said, came to him two years ago during a discussion about community service in a freshman leadership class. Serving the community was nothing new to Jones. For years, he and his family, recent transplant­s from Orlando, Fla., had been active community volunteers, gladly fulfilling their responsibi­lity to care for “the least of these.”

That included packing meals for No Child Hungry, a nonprofit that collects and sends meals to the needy in Haiti.

Last year, Jones thought it a good idea to get the band involved in the effort, only do it for children here at home. Band director Patrick Erwin agreed but decided they had neither the time nor the resources to pull it off.

“It got put on the back burner,” Jones said. “This year, I decided to try again.”

This time, Erwin encouraged Jones to take charge and he did.

Knowing his father and the Rev. David Jones had experience getting this sort of thing done, Nathan sought his help.

Back in August, Jones challenged the band to raise $5,000 to help underwrite the cost of packing the meals. Within two weeks, they’d collected $6,000 in donations, enough to provide 2,500 family meals — bags of rice, soy protein, vitamins, and vegetables — pay substitute teachers and for transporta­tion to and from Compton Elementary in Powder Springs. Jones’ church, Macland Presbyteri­an, chipped in to pay for 1,000 more meals.

If you don’t think 3,500 meals are a big deal, you have no idea how many children are going to bed hungry in this country.

We hear a lot about the need for food during the summer months but not so much during spring, fall and winter breaks and not so much about the deep hunger that is in all of us to be loved.

According to the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e, more than 13 million children live in “food insecure” homes in this country. Thirteen million. That means those families don’t regularly have enough food to eat, the most basic of all human needs.

To give you an idea of how great the need is at Compton, nearly 85 percent of its 530 students receive free or reduced lunches.

This being the end of the month, when refrigerat­ors and pantries tend to empty for these families, a bag of food can mean the difference between a full belly and an empty one for many of those students.

“This is a one casserole dish that can feed an entire family,” said Beth Lair, principal at Compton. “This is a help mate. This is neighbor helping neighbor.”

But Hillgrove’s effort isn’t just about feeding the body. It’s about feeding souls, too.

Early on, the band’s goal was to shift students’ focus from the all-encompassi­ng pursuit of “likes” to building relationsh­ips with those closest to them.

To that end, the band has incorporat­ed the message — “what the world needs now is love, not likes” — into its halftime show.

“That means actually going into the community and actually showing love,” Nathan said. “We’re going out and doing what we’re telling people to do.”

Band members are already talking about extending their efforts beyond Friday night football games and a once-ayear visit to Compton. They’re considerin­g visiting with students more often, maybe once a semester.

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