Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Shouldn’t be attacked


Before this recent election cycle began, I had resigned myself to the usual slew of attack ads and mudslingin­g that has plagued our political system for many decades now. I was willing to accept the fearmonger­ing, the deceptive methods employed by shadowy out-of-state groups, and a complete disinteres­t in actually confrontin­g the most pressing issues facing our state and the nation. I am finally outraged by one of those many ads on TV.

This particular ad asserted that Clarke Tucker was receiving support from the Hollywood elite. But instead of the usual characters of Pelosi and Schumer, the ad showed a woman that many in Arkansas are familiar with: Mary Steenburge­n. Mary Steenburge­n is a well-regarded actress who was born and grew up in Arkansas. Throughout her life Mary Steenburge­n has done much to make her home state proud. She has received many awards for her acting, including an Academy Award, and has contribute­d to both national and local philanthro­pic causes, including the Oxford American, a Southern literary magazine nationally recognized and based right here in Little Rock.

She is not some nebulous outsider attempting to sabotage the state. She is a proud Arkansan who has exercised her right to express her opinion and is being treated in return with baseless contempt. We are fortunate that such an accomplish­ed person can call Arkansas her home.


Little Rock

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