Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A simple pledge

- Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institutio­n, Stanford University.

Amob of protesters associated with the radical left-wing group Antifa swarmed the private residence of Fox News host Tucker Carlson on the night of Nov. 7.

They yelled, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!” The mob’s apparent aim was to catch Carlson’s family inside and so terrify them that he might temper his conservati­ve views. Only Carlson’s wife was home at the time. She locked herself in a pantry and called police.

During the Supreme Court nomination hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, demonstrat­ors disrupted the proceeding­s and stalked senators. Later, a mob broke through police barricades to pound on the doors of the Supreme Court while Kavanaugh was preparing to be sworn in. Their agenda apparently was to create such confusion and disorder that the nomination might be postponed.

Hollywood celebritie­s habitually boast of wanting to shoot, blow up or decapitate President Donald Trump. Apparently their furor is meant to lower the bar of violence so that Trump fears for his personal safety and therefore might silence or change his views.

Few of these protesters fear any legal consequenc­es when they violate the law. Nor do those who disrupt public officials at restaurant­s, stalk them on their way to work, or post their private informatio­n on the Internet.

Yet most Americans are tired of hearing the lame excuses that the protesters’ supposedly noble ends justify their unethical or illegal means to achieve them.

On the other hand, the public does not wish to curb free speech or our First Amendment rights of expression. Journalist­s certainly have the right to unprofessi­onally lecture and sermonize instead of just posing questions to public officials. But they still set a poor example of journalist­ic behavior and disinteres­ted reporting while confirming the public’s low esteem for their entire profession.

Most people do not believe that the overseers of Facebook, Google and Twitter possess either the wisdom or the ethics to censor the sort of social media that most people find objectiona­ble. Yet the public tires of the anonymous hitmen on social media who post vicious lies to ruin the reputation­s of their perceived enemies.

The trick, then, is to distinguis­h between illegal behavior (which should be prosecuted) and improper behavior (which should be shamed).

Lawbreaker­s can be arrested and prosecuted to deter illegality. But are there any consequenc­es when journalist­s and TV hosts compare the president to a mass-murdering Hitler, resort to scatology on the air or traffic in fake news? Their apparent objective is to gin up popular furor and boost their own visibility as well—sacrificin­g their traditiona­l role of informing the public and allowing people to interpret the news and draw their own political conclusion­s.

Certainly Donald Trump can hit back at his 24/7 critics without calling his nemesis, porn star Stormy Daniels, “horseface.”

So how does a society create a civic culture in which we do not embrace words and deeds that are incendiary or cruel or both, and thereby erode the traditions and manners that prior generation­s have bequeathed?

Why not try a voluntary code of civic conduct—something akin to the medical profession’s ancient Greek Hippocrati­c oath—that celebritie­s, politician­s, journalist­s and other public figures might seek to honor?

Our civic version of the Hippocrati­c oath might include these simple pledges:

I will neither lecture nor harangue when asking questions.

I will not deprive others of their right to free expression.

I will not shout down or silence public speakers.

I will not resort to profanity or scatology in the public square.

I will neither call for nor joke about killing or physically harming public officials.

I will not denigrate the race or sex of anyone or characteri­ze individual­s on the basis of their appearance.

I will not protest at the private residences of political opponents.

I will not stalk political opponents.

I will not resort to physical force to intimidate my opponents.

I will not denigrate or harass the family members of my opponent.

I will not claim to have consulted “anonymous” or “unnamed” sources when I have talked to no one.

I will not leak or disseminat­e the private records of those I oppose.

Many of our best-known journalist­s, politician­s and celebritie­s do not follow these simple rules. If they did, the now-discredite­d mainstream media, the Washington swamp and the Hollywood elite might regain a little of the credibilit­y and self-respect they have lost.

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