Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Conservati­ve values


Ms. Brenda Tirrell’s letter in your Nov. 8 Voices caught my eye. Her letter seems to imply that if only people were more educated they would vote Democrat. Seems a bit odd coming from a Hot Springs Village resident where folks are mostly highly educated and overwhelmi­ngly conservati­ve.

Perhaps Ms. Tirrell should consider that her elitist attitude is one big reason the current Democratic Party is on the decline. I believe most folks, educated or not, want smaller, more efficient government, lower taxes, secure borders, strong military, law and order, judges that interpret the Constituti­on, economic prosperity, and believe in the sanctity of life, and other conservati­ve values.

A couple of years of parading Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and others to the voters can only benefit the majority of our citizens who identify with conservati­ve values. Yes, indeed, education is certainly the key!


Hot Springs Village

House of Representa­tives’ bill, which makes harmful cuts and changes to SNAP, the U.S. Senate actually strengthen­ed the program.

That’s the vision we need. Our soldiers have sacrificed enough. We cannot jeopardize their health and well-being by taking away their food assistance through cuts to SNAP. DENNIS WIGHTMAN

Little Rock

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