Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Be an informed voter


Mr. Gitz has once again shown his radical misunderst­anding of the mind of the typical voter and the aim of Get Out the Vote efforts. In his column on Monday, M. Gitz tries to get his readers to believe that the Get Out the Vote people want quantity rather quality. I mean M. Gitz believes liberals would prefer as many uninformed voters as possible so they win, rather than informed voters.

Most Democrat and independen­t voters are informed and base their decisions on knowing the candidates, their stand on issues, and the voters’ own stand on the issues. Democrats believe in education, science, civics, and public service. The survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., became political activists for gun laws and voter registrati­on because they were taking American government classes in high school.

M. Gitz must realize that the Republican­s take their marching voting orders from Herr President, his political agents and Fox News about the vote, based on their own fake news. I won’t discuss how M. Gitz complains that Democrats are trying the steal votes in midterm elections—voter fraud—when it seems Republican­s are the ones committing gerrymande­ring, withholdin­g voter registrati­on, etc.

M. Gitz finishes his column by putting 16- and 17-year-olds down by saying they won’t care to take time to get the proper credential­s to vote. In Arkansas, all you need to vote is a photo ID such as a driver’s license. Most 16- and 17-year-olds have one.

Get informed, M. Gitz. Be an informed voter! NORM MOYER Conway

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