Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Lutheran Church’s 150th year marked


First Lutheran Church, 314 E. Eighth St., will celebrate its 150th anniversar­y at 3 p.m. Sunday.

According to church records and Delbert Schmand’s 1988 book The History of the First Lutheran Church, the 1888 building is the second structure that has housed the congregati­on since the church’s founding in 1868. The congregati­on was originally formed when 24 Lutherans met at the home of area businessma­n Charles Miller to form the congregati­on. Services were originally conducted in German, transition­ing into English around the beginning of the 20th century, and being held in both languages in the 1930s.

In 1907, a building built next to First Lutheran served as its first school, and a newer one built in 1965 became the present-day Christ Lutheran Church and School.

The Rev. Steven Teske, who was pastor of First Lutheran from 20032006 and is a current parishione­r, said the congregati­on these days averages 62 worshipper­s, and that the church hosts the main Reformatio­n service for central Arkansans each year on the last Sunday of October. At those services, multiple Lutheran pastors lead different portions of the services and a choir of members from area churches.

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