Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Reopen government


The continuing shutdown of the federal government is unconscion­able. It is time to get government reopened and get paychecks back in the hands of those who have been furloughed.

The blame for this shutdown belongs squarely on the shoulders of Trump and Republican­s who refuse to even consider bills that are being passed by the House to reopen various government­al department­s. While I am all for border security, I am not in favor of spending $5.7 billion on a useless monument to the ego that occupies the Oval Office. The lies we continue to hear regarding the number of criminals and terrorists that are crossing our southern border are ridiculous. I have written to Senators Cotton and Boozman as well as Rep. French Hill expressing these opinions and asking for something other than a form letter blaming the Democrats. Cotton and Hill responded almost immediatel­y with a form letter blaming the Democrats. I am still waiting to hear from Boozman.

I implore our senators and representa­tives to show some real leadership. Our senators should lean on Mitch McConnell to get the House legislatio­n onto the Senate floor and see if they and their colleagues have the guts to vote against people who cannot pay their rent or feed their families due to a temper tantrum from the man in the White House.

A fireman who sets fires does not get to claim credit for putting them out. Trump is manufactur­ing a crisis so he can take credit for solving it. Our members of Congress should wake up and stop being sycophants for Trump. There is no excuse for what is being done to innocent citizens. Reopen the government and then you can continue to fight over this boondoggle of a wall. JANET FLOYD Little Rock

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