Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pelosi bars Trump address

President relents, decides to delay speech during shutdown


WASHINGTON — The U.S. House of Representa­tives will not authorize President Donald Trump to deliver a State of the Union address in the midst of a partial government shutdown, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi informed the White House in a letter Wednesday afternoon.

Trump told reporters soon afterward that the speech scheduled for next week wouldn’t be postponed, despite the weekslong government impasse over $5.7 billion in border security funding.

“It’s a sad thing for our country. We’ll do something in the alternativ­e. We’ll be talking to you about that at a later date,” the president told reporters.

But late Wednesday evening, Trump tweeted that it is Pelosi’s “prerogativ­e” to change her mind and suggest a later date.

“I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an alternativ­e venue for the SOTU Address because there is no venue that can compete with the history, tradition and importance of the House Chamber,” he wrote. “I look forward to giving a ‘great’ State of the Union Address in the near future!”

Before the president’s announceme­nt, members of the all-Republican Arkansas congressio­nal delegation sharply criticized Pelosi for withdrawin­g Trump’s invitation to give his address in the House.

“It’s unfortunat­e that she’s putting politics and her disdain for President Trump over her responsibi­lity as

speaker of the House,” U.S. Rep. Rick Crawford said in an interview.

“You don’t have to like the president to extend the invitation. This is a time-honored tradition,” the lawmaker from Jonesboro said.

In a text message, U.S. Rep. French Hill of Little Rock said he hopes both leaders will work together.

“Instead of arguing over the annual message location, I’d like president Trump and speaker Pelosi to focus on finding compromise to enhance border security and get our federal workers paid,” he said.

Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constituti­on states that the president “shall from time to time give to the Congress Informatio­n of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Considerat­ion such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”

The time, date and format are not specified and have varied over the years. The report, in one form or another, is presented annually.

On Jan. 3, in the midst of the partial government shutdown, Pelosi had formally invited Trump to deliver his speech, scheduling it for Jan. 29.

But the California Democrat sent a follow-up letter on Jan. 16, suggesting that the address be postponed until after the funding dispute is resolved — or that it be submitted in writing instead.

On Wednesday morning, Trump wrote Pelosi, urging her to allow the speech to proceed.

“It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantl­y, on location!” the letter stated.

On Wednesday afternoon, Pelosi told Trump in writing that the House “will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizin­g the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.”

Trump is welcome to speak to the House “on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened,” she said.

Democrats want the shutdown, in its 34th day as of today to end “so that federal workers can pay their bills, government services will be available to the American people, and the nation’s economy will not be damaged further,” Pelosi’s office said.

Funding for many government agencies ran out on Dec. 22 or soon thereafter. Trump has refused to reopen the government until Democrats provide $5.7 billion in funding for his border wall project. Democrats say they’re willing to negotiate once the shutdown ends.

For the president to appear before a joint session of Congress, the House and the Senate must pass a joint resolution authorizin­g the session.

Passage in the Senate, where Republican­s are in the majority, shouldn’t be a problem.

On the House side, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., announced Wednesday that he had filed a joint resolution authorizin­g Trump’s speech, though Republican­s lack enough votes, on their own, to secure its passage.

Posting an image of the resolution on Twitter, McCarthy wrote: “Now, more than ever, Americans should see their government leaders in the same room, working to make our future brighter.”

Responding to Pelosi’s letter, the president portrayed her as soft on border security.

“I’m not surprised. It’s really a shame what’s happening with the Democrats. They’ve become radicalize­d. They don’t want to see crime stop, which we can very easily do on the Southern border. … This will go on for a while. Ultimately, the American people will have their way,” he told reporters.

He said his struggle against Democratic leaders and their “very dangerous party” will continue, adding, “We will never let the radical left control our borders.”

Nationwide roughly 800,000 government workers are either on furlough or working without pay. Most of them missed their first paycheck on Jan. 11. They’ll miss a second paycheck on Friday.

Officials say they won’t be counted as “unemployed” when the January employment figures are released. Unemployme­nt stood at 3.9 percent in December, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The partisan budgetary standoff has affected the Department of Homeland Security. Absenteeis­m among unpaid Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion employees reached 10 percent Sunday, up from 3.1 percent compared with one year ago.

“Many employees are reporting that they are not able to report to work due to financial limitation­s,” Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion officials said in a news release explaining the missing workers.

The economy has been strong during the first two years of the Trump administra­tion, with the gross domestic product climbing 3.4 percent during the third quarter of calendar year 2018.

Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, is predicting that the growth will continue this year, though he acknowledg­ed Wednesday that the shutdown could have a chilling short-term effect.

In an interview with CNN, Hassett said GDP growth could drop to zero during the first quarter of 2019 if the government doesn’t reopen.

The decision to disinvite Trump didn’t sit well with Arkansas’ congressio­nal delegation. They issued written statements condemning the decision.

“While she may be opposed to commonsens­e border security, I find it childish to deny President Trump the time-honored tradition of addressing the country. Her actions are rooted in nothing other than deep disdain and resentment of the President,” said U.S. Rep. Steve Womack of Rogers.

U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman of Hot Springs portrayed Pelosi’s letter as a “PR stunt.”

“The State of the Union address from the House Chamber is a time-honored bipartisan tradition, and never in history has the Speaker of the House rescinded an invitation to the president,” he said. “Speaker Pelosi’s petty attempts to block President Trump from the House floor are nothing more than partisan showmanshi­p that distract from the real issues at hand.”

U.S. Sen. John Boozman of Rogers called the decision “disappoint­ing.”

“Speaker Pelosi appears to be acting in a petty, vindictive fashion that is not helping to resolve the shutdown crisis that many of our federal workers are facing,” he said.

U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton of Dardanelle urged Pelosi to reverse course.

“The State of the Union is a constituti­onal tradition that House speakers of both parties have respected even in deeply divided times. It’s regrettabl­e that Nancy Pelosi would pull a stunt with an American institutio­n,” he said. “I hope she reconsider­s and honors that old tradition.”

Presidenti­al assessment­s of the State of the Union date back to the beginning of the Republic.

President George Washington gave the first such message

on Jan. 8, 1790, in New York City. Subsequent speeches on the state of the union were delivered in Philadelph­ia’s Congress Hall, next door to Independen­ce Hall.

President John Adams was the first to deliver the speech in Washington, D.C, a 1,372-word oratory on Nov. 22, 1800.

President Thomas Jefferson, who preferred the printed word, decided to skip the speech, an example others followed for more than a century.

For most of the nation’s history, the State of the Union address was known as the president’s “annual message” and was submitted to Congress, in writing, in December.

In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson revived the speech, delivering it before a joint session of Congress. After suffering a stroke toward the end of his presidency, he reverted to written reports.

President Calvin Coolidge, who was nicknamed “Silent Cal,” delivered only one speech on the state of the union — the rest were written. President Herbert Hoover, presiding over the Great Depression, also preferred the printed text.

President Franklin Roosevelt gave a dozen annual speeches on the State of the Union. He opted for a written report only in 1945, the year he died.

The first televised State of the Union address was delivered by President Harry Truman in 1947. The first in prime time was given by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965.

The length has varied over the years. Washington’s first address is still the shortest: just 1,089 words. President Bill Clinton’s 1995 address was 9,190 words — the longest ever spoken. President Jimmy Carter is credited with the longest written address: 33,667 words.

 ?? AP/J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump traded letters Wednesday on the State of the Union speech.
AP/J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump traded letters Wednesday on the State of the Union speech.
 ?? The New York Times/DOUG MILLS ?? President Donald Trump takes part in a discussion on health care Wednesday at the White House. Responding to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s rejection of his State of the Union address next week, Trump first said he would speak at an alternate location, the later tweeted that he would wait until after the shutdown ends, writing: “I look forward to giving a ‘great’ State of the Union Address in the near future!”
The New York Times/DOUG MILLS President Donald Trump takes part in a discussion on health care Wednesday at the White House. Responding to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s rejection of his State of the Union address next week, Trump first said he would speak at an alternate location, the later tweeted that he would wait until after the shutdown ends, writing: “I look forward to giving a ‘great’ State of the Union Address in the near future!”

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