Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A Perot for Dems?

- Bret Stephens is a New York Times columnist.

Howard Schultz of Starbucks fame told 60 Minutes on Sunday that he was “seriously thinking” about an independen­t bid for the presidency. And boy oh boy, are liberals and progressiv­es unhappy with the idea. The lifelong Democrat has suddenly morphed, in the eyes of his new detractors, into a vainglorio­us upstart entitled rich guy and potential spoiler who could hand the election to Donald Trump.

Could be. But the neuralgic reaction to his bid says something about the ideologica­l drift of the Democratic Party—and of its vulnerabil­ities against a historical­ly weak president.

So what has Schultz done to deserve his Two Minutes of Hate? His political views bear about as much resemblanc­e to those of a typical conservati­ve as an olive does to a grape. He supports Obamacare, denounced the Trump administra­tion’s decision to leave the Paris Climate Accord, and promised to hire 10,000 refugees globally in response to the 2017 travel ban. He was raised in a Brooklyn housing project and was the first person in his family to go to college. His billions were fairly earned offering products and services people want.

Schultz’s politics are to the left of mine, but I would vote for someone like him in a heartbeat if the other names on the ballot are Trump and, say, Elizabeth Warren. Isn’t candidate diversity supposed to be something liberals believe in?

I’m not alone. Tens of millions of Americans were defined as the Exhausted Majority by last year’s path-breaking Hidden Tribes report from the More In Common research group. It found that two-thirds of Americans are neither conservati­ves nor progressiv­es. They are moderates, liberals and the disengaged, defined by their ideologica­l flexibilit­y, support for compromise, fatigue with the political debate—and the sense that they’re being ignored and forgotten.

“America’s Exhausted Majority wants to see the opposing tribes move beyond constant conflict,” the report notes. “Many who have disengaged from politics (especially in the Passive Liberal and Politicall­y Disengaged groups) cite the tribal behavior of political combatants as a reason.”

An independen­t candidacy like Schultz’s exists to appeal to this silent majority. Can it succeed? My colleague Jamelle Bouie wrote a powerful column explaining why it’s never worked before in U.S. history and is even less likely to work for Schultz. He represents no sectional, factional, ideologica­l or economic interest, the way Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, Henry Wallace, or Ross Perot did. His views amount to a kind of warmed-over Clintonism, hopefully without scandal but 20 years past its sell-by date.

Then again, if the argument is that a New York plutocrat can’t win in a populist era—well, hello? And if the argument is that you can’t win without the support of a major party, recall also that the party system has never been weaker than it is today. We live in a politicall­y entreprene­urial age. Schultz is an entreprene­ur.

But even if Schultz’s chances as an independen­t are slim, what’s certain is that they are becoming much slimmer as a Democrat. This is what makes the insistence of some liberals that he run as a Democrat so disingenuo­us: Compete on our turf where the field will be tilted against you or don’t compete at all. It’s hard to blame Schultz for walking away from that Hobson’s choice.

It’s hard to blame him too for walking away from Democrats altogether. Liberalism used to be about making the capitalist system fairer, gentler and more inclusive. It has become an ideology for maligning it as a “rigged system” (Elizabeth Warren), or eliminatin­g an entire industry within it (Kamala Harris), or demonizing and punishing those who do exceptiona­lly well at it (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), or waging class warfare (all of the above). That means that if Schultz doesn’t run and a candidate like Warren wins the Democratic nomination, the same reluctant GOP voters who handed the presidency to Trump in 2016 because they found Hillary Clinton even more unpalatabl­e will vote for him again. How to avoid that wretched outcome?

Democrats could resist the type of ideologica­l fury that tilted Republican­s sharply right in 2016 by rejecting a sharp move to the left next year. But that’s more easily said than done when progressiv­e paragons proclaim that old-fashioned Democratic centrism is the new fanaticism.

These paragons could also correct some of the magical thinking when it comes to free college tuition, a 70 percent tax rate on the wealthiest, or a Sanders-style health-care system. Without some reality checks, Democratic primary voters might be gulled by the left-wing version of the fairy dust Trump voters inhaled when they bought into promises about Mexico paying for the wall.

In the meantime, a potential Schultz candidacy can serve the useful function of reminding Democrats that he really could throw the election to Trump if they continue moving farther to the left. The best way to diminish that possibilit­y isn’t to scream at him. It’s to listen to the forgotten voters he potentiall­y represents. If Democrats don’t want to lose the 2020 election, they would do better to reclaim the center than to pretend they can redefine it.

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