Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The fading scandal


When the stories broke six weeks ago about Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam wearing blackface in the 1980s, it was pretty clear how the controvers­y would end: with Northam deferring to outrage and resigning. A host of presidenti­al candidates called for their fellow Democrat to step down, and his muddled account and show of remorse didn’t look like a winning formula. But the governor upended the usual script by staying put, vowing to make a priority of racial progress, and hoping he could weather the storm.

Shortly after the revelation­s about Northam, Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax was accused of sexual assault by two women. And don’t forget Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring, who acknowledg­ed wearing blackface in 1980.

How to look at these February events now? Well, the national furor has waned and the three men remain in office. Opinion polls suggest that Virginians— black voters included—don’t want them to resign. Their continued presences keeps Democrats from having to surrender the governor’s office to the Republican House speaker.

The initial uproar in each case had a legitimate basis. Racial insults and sexual

assault are understood and taken far more seriously today than they were in the past, and the refusal to pass over such transgress­ions is a healthy change.

But changing sentiments carry the risk of overreacti­on. Three thoughts: Not every alleged offender is guilty. Some offenses are less deserving of stern punishment than others. The punishment must fit the crime.

We don’t pretend to know the hearts and minds of voters in the Commonweal­th. But evidently they don’t want revenge. They want fairness and justice.

A skeptic would say Democratic wrath faded because the three cases confronted the party with a collision of identity politics.

Or maybe—in the two blackface cases, neither of which involves an alleged crime—Americans are coming to view youthful behavior is less important than later conduct.

We wouldn’t apply a blanket statute of limitation­s on the mistakes of youth. That would be a dangerous absolute.

Perhaps that’s the point. The outrage industry, which does operate by absolutes (and which, yes, gets bountiful attention from journalist­s), typically flies into action without thinking through.

Which all of us should remember the next time disclosure of a decades-old offense tempts a rush to judgment.

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