Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: You offer travel hints for families, but what about us single women who want to travel but can’t convince anyone else to go with us? Isn’t it dangerous to travel alone to foreign countries?

— Andrea Y., Pulaski, Tenn.

DEAR READER: First check with the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs (travel. to find out which countries they ask you to stay HELOISE away from.

After that, go online and check out travel sites for suggestion­s and advice. Traveling alone doesn’t have to be terrifying, lonely or dull. You’ll meet people, conquer your fears and have a nice time if you let yourself enjoy the experience. There are many misconcept­ions about solo travelers, but don’t let that deter you from seeing the world.

DEAR HELOISE: My father-in-law is getting very forgetful and often can’t remember in which row he parked his car, especially when there are several cars of the same color that look similar. We placed a small stuffed-toy panda in the rear window to help him locate his car from all the rest, and we put a picture of his license plate on his cellphone. He said it was a tremendous help to him.

— Pam in Traverse City, Mich.

DEAR HELOISE: You encourage people to travel, but it’s money that keeps me here in the U.S. How can I get to Europe if I haven’t got a lot of cash to spare? — Rob A., Broken Bow, Neb.

DEAR READER: First write down your monthly expenses. If you need to estimate, go a little higher rather than lower. Deduct that from your monthly income. What you have left over is for “discretion­ary spending.” In order to save for your trip, you might have to start eliminatin­g unnecessar­y spending, such as buying coffee someplace when you could make a pot at home and carry it to work in a thermos or travel mug. Stop using credit cards — the interest rates are usually high. Cook at home and skip eating out. Consider a roommate to help out with expenses. Buy things secondhand or on sale, and ONLY if you really need them.

Make your next trip your priority.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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