Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Sudanese protesters suspend talks

Group repeats its demand for transition­al civilian government


KHARTOUM, Sudan — The organizers of Sudan’s protests said Sunday that they have suspended talks with the ruling military council because it has failed to meet their demands for an immediate transfer to a civilian government following the overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir.

Mohammed al-Amin Abdel Aziz, a spokesman for the Sudanese Profession­als Associatio­n, said Sunday that the political committee of the military council is too close to al-Bashir, who has been jailed in the capital, Khartoum.

“The military council is delaying its response to our proposals, saying that they are considerin­g proposals from all political forces,” he said.

He said the Sudanese Profession­als Associatio­n is calling for more protests, and repeated its demand for an immediate transfer to a transition­al civilian government that would rule for four years.

The Sudanese Profession­als Associatio­n led four months of protests that eventually ended al-Bashir’s 30-year rule, which was marred by multiple armed conflicts and widespread corruption. The umbrella group of unions said about 100 people were killed by security forces since December, when the protests were sparked by an increase in the prices of basic goods.

The Sudanese military overthrew and arrested alBashir on April 11, and has appointed a military council that says it will rule for up to two years while elections are organized. The military has arrested senior officials from al-Bashir’s government and sacked top judges and prosecutor­s.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, the head of the military council, told state TV Sunday that the council is “ready to hand over power tomorrow to a civilian government agreed by political forces.”

He said the military is waiting for the various political factions behind the protests to submit the names of the proposed members of a transition­al government, something the organizers had said they would do on Sunday. He said the military is considerin­g the protesters’ demands for a civilian council with a military representa­tive.

“Our role is to complete the uprising and the blessed revolution,” he added.

The protesters fear the military — which is still dominated by al-Bashir appointees — will cling to power or appoint another general in his place.

Mohammed al-Asam, a senior member of the Sudanese Profession­als Associatio­n, told The Associated Press late Saturday that “we are ready with a clear plan for a transition with qualified names.”

The associatio­n had said it would announce the names at a news conference Sunday outside the military’s headquarte­rs in Khartoum, where thousands of protesters have kept up a sit-in since April 6. It was not immediatel­y clear whether the announceme­nt had been canceled or delayed.

“We want a civil council immediatel­y with a military representa­tion. This is our demand,” said al-Asam, who was detained for more than three months before being released after al-Bashir’s ouster. He was held in the Koper prison in Khartoum, where alBashir and other top officials now reside.

The 28-year-old doctor urged the internatio­nal community to press the military to hand over power to civilians. He said the military council is becoming more powerful every day and that “this is dangerous to the revolution.”

Burhan said the military council will send a delegation to the United States later this month for talks on removing Sudan from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terror, a designatio­n that dates back to the early 1990s, when the country briefly hosted Osama bin Laden.

“We expect a breakthrou­gh in this issue,” he said.

The military has also reached out to the African Union, saying it is working to “create an environmen­t so political forces can rule in a peaceful and democratic way,” according to the state-run SUNA news agency.

SUNA said Lt. Gen. Omer Zain-al-Abdin, head of the political committee of the military council, met with African Union commission chairman Moussa Faki in Khartoum on Saturday.

The African Union on April 16 gave Sudan’s military 15 days to hand over power to a “civilian-led political authority” or face suspension from African Union activities. The union said a civilian authority should hold elections “as quickly as possible.”

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates announced a $3 billion aid package for Sudan. The Saudi state-run news agency said Sunday that $500 million would be deposited in Sudan’s central bank, while the remaining amount will be used to purchase food, medicine and fuel.

Burhan said authoritie­s recently searched a presidenti­al residence, where they found more than $7.8 million in euros and $350,000 in U.S. currency. The protesters have accused al-Bashir and his family of pillaging state resources during his three decades in power.

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