Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

RUSSIA ROLE in elections not a topic for Trump, ex-Homeland Security chief told.

Officials say she faced roadblocks in attempts to focus on ’20 meddling


WASHINGTON — In the months before Kirstjen Nielsen resigned, she tried to focus the White House on one of her highest priorities as homeland security secretary: preparing for new and different Russian forms of interferen­ce in the 2020 election.

President Donald Trump’s chief of staff told her not to bring it up in front of the president.

Nielsen left the Department of Homeland Security this month after a tumultuous 16-month tenure and tensions with the White House. Officials said she had become increasing­ly concerned about Russia’s continued activity in the United States during and after the 2018 midterm elections — ranging from its search for new techniques to divide Americans using social media, to experiment­s by hackers, to rerouting Internet traffic and infiltrati­ng power grids.

But in a meeting this year, Mick Mulvaney, the White House chief of staff, made clear that Trump still equated any public discussion of malign Russian election activity with questions about the legitimacy of his victory.

Nielsen eventually gave up on her effort to organize a White House meeting of Cabinet secretarie­s to coordinate a strategy to protect next year’s elections.

As a result, the issue did not gain the urgency or widespread attention that a president can command. And it meant that many Americans remain unaware of the latest versions of Russian interferen­ce.

This account of Nielsen’s frustratio­ns was described by three senior Trump administra­tion officials and one former senior administra­tion official, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Before she resigned April 7, Nielsen and other officials looked for other ways to raise the alarm.

The opening page of the Worldwide Threat Assessment, a public document compiled by government intelligen­ce agencies that was delivered to Congress in late January, warned that “the threat landscape could look very different in 2020 and future elections.”

“Russia’s social media efforts will continue to focus on aggravatin­g social and racial tensions, underminin­g trust in authoritie­s and criticizin­g perceived anti-Russia politician­s,” the report noted. It also predicted that “Moscow may employ additional influence tool kits — such as spreading disinforma­tion, conducting hack-and-leak operations or manipulati­ng data — in a more targeted fashion to influence U.S. policy, actions and elections.”

Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, eliminated the position of cybersecur­ity coordinato­r at the White House last year, leaving junior aides to deal with the issue. In January, Nielsen fumed when 45 percent of her cyberdefen­se workforce was furloughed during the government shutdown.

Nielsen grew so frustrated with White House reluctance to convene top-level officials to come up with a government­wide strategy that she twice pulled together her own meetings of Cabinet secretarie­s and agency leaders. They included top Justice Department, FBI and intelligen­ce officials, many of whom later periodical­ly issued public warnings about indicators that Russia was both looking for new ways to interfere and experiment­ing with techniques in Ukraine and Europe.

One senior official described Homeland Security officials as adamant that the U.S. government needed to significan­tly step up its efforts to urge the American public and companies to block foreign influence campaigns. But the department was stymied by the White House’s refusal to discuss it, the official said.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who leads the House Intelligen­ce Committee, said there was a “very real risk” of Russian interferen­ce in future elections. “We are woefully unprepared because even raising this issue is met with hostility by a president who views any discussion of election security as a threat to his legitimacy,” Schiff said in a statement Wednesday.

A second senior administra­tion official said Nielsen began pushing after the November midterms for the government­wide efforts to protect the 2020 elections, but only after it became increasing­ly clear that she had fallen out of Trump’s favor for not taking a harder line against immigratio­n.

That official said Nielsen wanted to make election security a top priority at meetings of Trump’s principal national security aides, who resisted making it a focus of the discussion­s given that the 2020 vote was, at the time, nearly two years away.

On Friday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Trump administra­tion would continue to confront Moscow on its attempts to meddle in the 2020 elections.

“Russia interferes in a number of places,” Pompeo said. “I don’t think there’s been a discussion between a senior U.S. official and Russians in this administra­tion where we have not raised this issue about our concern about Russia’s interferen­ce in our elections.

“We will make very clear to them this is unacceptab­le behavior,” he said.

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