Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2019 Witness: State death drugs will be painful

Paralysis masks suffering, judge hears


An Oklahoma pharmacolo­gist testified Wednesday that midazolam, the first of three drugs administer­ed under Arkansas’ lethal injection protocol, is incapable of sedating anyone deeply enough to ward off “horrific” pain from the second and third injections.

Dr. Craig W. Stevens, a professor of pharmacolo­gy at Oklahoma State University in Tulsa, testified on the second day of a federal trial over the constituti­onality of the three-drug protocol, which attorneys for 18 death-row inmates say subjects them to cruel and unusual punishment.

He is the second medical expert to testify on the plaintiffs’ behalf, coming after Tuesday’s testimony from a forensic pathologis­t who said his autopsy of one of four inmates put to death under the protocol in April 2017 indicated the man remained conscious after the injection of the sedative, allowing him to feel the second injection, vecuronium bromide, a muscular paralytic that can cause a feeling of suffocatio­n.

U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker has also heard testimony from eight people — lawyers and journalist­s — who have witnessed midazolam executions in Arkansas and other states. They have described the condemned inmates lurching, curling their fingers, raising their arms, moving their heads, making fish-like mouth movements

and emitting sounds after the injection of midazolam, which some said they believed were indication­s that the dying men were experienci­ng pain or struggling to breathe. All have acknowledg­ed, however, that the jerking movements could be involuntar­y responses to the dying process and aren’t necessaril­y consciousl­y experience­d.

Additional medical witnesses, for both the plaintiffs and the state, are expected over the next week and a half.

Stevens first testified before Baker in a preliminar­y injunction hearing in 2017, when the state had scheduled the deaths of eight inmates over 11 days, before a previous batch of midazolam expired. Half of the executions ended up being carried out, while courts halted the others.

No executions are currently scheduled, as the state doesn’t have any execution drugs available.

Answering questions Wednesday from Assistant Federal Public Defender John Williams, Stevens said Arkansas’ three-drug protocol is “going to cause severe pain, because midazolam does not contain anesthesia.”

He essentiall­y conducted a mini class on how different classes of drugs work inside the body. He said that midazolam, also known by the trade name Versed, is a benzodiaze­pine that has a similar chemical structure to other benzodiaze­pines such as Valium. He said benzodiaze­pines are similar to each other, but aren’t pharmacolo­gically similar to barbiturat­es, such as pentobarbi­tal and thiopental, whose chemical structure makes them “much more potent.”

He said that while benzodiaze­pines are dependent on other transmitte­rs in the brain to work, barbiturat­es can work whether the other transmitte­rs are present or not, and will “bind to a different place” in the brain, blocking awareness and sensation.

“They have distinct methods of action. Very different,” he said of the two types of drugs. He said he doesn’t believe that midazolam produces anesthesia, an unconsciou­s state that makes a person unaware of and unable to feel pain.

Stevens also testified that midazolam is widely known by pharmacolo­gists to have a “ceiling effect,” a point at which a stronger dose has no effect.

“Drugs are exquisitel­y designed to attach to receptors,” he said. “If more midazolam is injected than can attach to receptors, it cannot have an effect if its target is not there.”

He used a chart to show levels of sedation, from basic sedation to a state of sleep known as “hypnosis,” to anesthesia, to coma and finally, death. He said benzodiaze­pines can’t take someone up to and beyond anesthesia, pointing to several scientific studies. With them, he said, “you can never get to an anesthetic state.”

Taking a diazepine drug as an anaestheti­c “is like taking an anti-diabetic drug to treat someone for asthma,” he testified.

One study Stevens cited was conducted by David Greenblatt, whom he called “the world authority on benzodiaze­pines.” It showed that of 18 patients who overdosed on benzodiaze­pines — before midazolam existed — none suffered central nervous system problems and none died.

The studies, Stevens said, “show us that they’re very benign drugs, even at massive doses.”

He said that the second drug in Arkansas’ lethal injection protocol, vecuronium bromide, has no effect on the brain and no sedative effect, working only to prevent muscle movement. In a study published in the British Journal of Anesthesia, he said, some patients who had been given the drug to undergo an operation emerged from surgery “still being paralyzed, without anesthesia,” and some later said they felt like they were being “buried alive.”

He said the injection of third drug, potassium chloride, would cause “great pain,” as known from studies in which people were inadverten­tly injected with it.

Overall, asked about the effect on inmates who are subjected to Arkansas’ protocol, Stevens said, “I am certain there will be pain and suffering, masked by the paralytic, as a result of the second and third drugs.”

He acknowledg­ed, under cross-examinatio­n by Senior Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Merritt, that he is an “academic” who has never personally conducted studies on human beings using midazolam. He also acknowledg­ed that a book he co-wrote with George Brenner called Pharmacolo­gy, first published in 2013, states that the main purpose of midazolam is anesthesia.

“It’s not an anesthetic at all,” he told Merritt, saying those words were written by Brenner, who died earlier this year, and that the latest edition of the book specifies that midazolam isn’t to be used as an anesthetic.

Merritt also showed him midazolam labels required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion that state midazolam can be used “for the induction of general anesthesia before administra­tion of other anesthetic­s,” and, depending how it is administer­ed, it can cause respirator­y depression, agitation and involuntar­y movements.

“We’re not trying to use it as a lethal drug,” she told him.

“I’m not sure why you’re using it, quite frankly,” he replied.

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