Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Can’t keep excusing it


Well, Mr. Trump will avoid indictment from the Mueller investigat­ion (at least while he’s in office), but his scandalous behavior as president should concern and sadden every American.

I can’t understand how anyone who is objective, unbiased and of average intelligen­ce could believe that Mr. Trump is honest or trustworth­y, or that he puts the nation’s interests before his personal welfare.

The admonition of former White House Counsel John Dean to President Nixon during the Watergate scandal bears repeating: “We have a cancer within—close to the presidency— that’s growing …”. Based on the informatio­n and the facts contained in the Mueller report, I believe Mr. Trump is the cancer.

As chancellor of Germany in the early 1930s, Adolf Hitler garnered public favor and support with legislatio­n and actions that were seen as good for Germany, but gradually he and his cohorts—particular­ly Joseph Goebbels, his Reich minister of propaganda— were able to deceive a large portion of the German public into believing that he had the country’s interests foremost; and in the process of assimilati­on of complete control, he caused the ultimate destructio­n of Germany.

Why some of our citizens excuse or ignore Mr. Trump’s lies and narcissist­ic acts because “he has done some good things for the country” doesn’t make sense. He has divided our country and our politics to the point where it is difficult to understand how we can again come together as a United States of America. TOM DRAPER Little Rock

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