Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Justice agency defends refusal on Trump’s taxes


WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Friday released its legal rationale for refusing to provide President Donald Trump’s tax returns to Congress, arguing that House Democrats want to make the documents public, which “is not a legitimate legislativ­e purpose.”

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had refused to hand the documents over early last month, writing in a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., that the committee’s demand was “unpreceden­ted” and could “have lasting consequenc­es for all taxpayers.” After getting legal advice from the Justice Department, Mnuchin said he had determined the request should be refused.

A spokesman for the Ways and Means Committee said Friday evening that officials were reviewing the opinion.

Legal analysts have said Mnuchin’s move would be highly unusual, and some House Democrats have said they expected to take legal action to get a court to intervene. A confidenti­al IRS legal memo obtained by The Washington Post says tax returns must be given to Congress — unless the president were to assert executive privilege, which he has not done in this instance.

The fight over the president’s tax records is one of several ongoing battles between congressio­nal Democrats and the White House over access to documents and witnesses.

“The Chairman’s request that Treasury turn over the President’s tax returns, for the apparent purpose of making them public, amounted to an unpreceden­ted use of the Committee’s authority and raised a serious risk of abuse,” Assistant Attorney General Steven Engel wrote in a 33-page memo dated Thursday. “Congress could not constituti­onally confer upon itself the right to compel a disclosure by the Executive Branch of confidenti­al informatio­n that does not serve a legitimate legislativ­e purpose.”

Engel said while the executive branch “should accord due deference and respect to congressio­nal requests,” it does not need to treat congressio­nal demands “as unquestion­able.”

The president, Engel wrote, “stands at the head of a co-equal branch of government, and he is separately accountabl­e to the people for the faithful performanc­e of his responsibi­lities. Treasury thus had the responsibi­lity to confirm for itself that the Chairman’s request serves a legitimate legislativ­e end.”

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