Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR READERS: Summertime’s here, and fresh fruits abound. How to pick the freshest? Let’s take a look:

Experts agree: Select rich and brightly colored fruits for the best nutrition and flavor.

Get only what you can use in a couple of days. In general, smaller pieces of fruit are sweeter, and if you gently squeeze the fruit, it should bounce back.

Some fruits will continue to ripen and get sweeter at home, including bananas, pears and avocados. And other fruits like citrus (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit), cherries, grapes and the soft berries (blueberrie­s, raspberrie­s, strawberri­es)? They won’t ripen more under your roof.

Hit up the grocery store, but also a roadside stand and the farmers market.

P.S. Generally speaking, a piece of fruit is better for you than just drinking its juice.

DEAR HELOISE: I love using fresh lemon and lime slices, juice and zest in recipes and beverages. I buy them by the bagful when they are on sale. The problem? Using the product in a timely way.

My solution is this: When I buy a full bag of lemons or limes, I slice several and freeze them on a tray, then bag them for future use.

I zest the rest, and spread the zest on parchment paper to dry before bottling. After zesting, I slice and juice those fruits, divide the juice in an ice cube tray, freeze, then bag the cubes for use in recipes. A quick 10 seconds in the microwave will thaw slices or juice for immediate use.

— Mary Z., via email DEAR READER: Before juicing, roll the fruit on the counter to “loosen up” or “activate” the juices inside.

DEAR HELOISE: I’ve noticed my makeup brushes are looking scary. Help.

— Sarah T. in Kentucky

DEAR READER: We should all clean our powder brushes about once per week, and brushes for liquid applicatio­ns ideally every day, to keep bacteria away. The best cleanser? Baby shampoo. Here we go:

1. Wet the bristles under a bit of running water. Don’t run the water over the handle — the water will seep inside and could loosen the glue.

2. Work in the shampoo to a brush’s bristles.

3. Rinse again, avoiding the handle.

4. Squeeze excess water out.

5. Lay flat on a towel to dry overnight.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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