Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Not a real problem


Flag-burning. Let’s stop it. What? Flag-burning is not No. 1 on my list to get fixed. I’ve seen photos in newspapers and news reports on television. But I’ve never seen a real, live flag-burning in my 76 years except at the American Legion doing proper flag disposal.

Also, I have never burned a flag. At times, I have celebrated when someone else did. They had the courage to fight for an idea they believed. I just wasn’t brave enough to face the possible outrage and shunning of my family, friends and neighbors. So the biggest deterrent to flag-burning is what people feel about the flag-burner.

Steve Womack, the U.S. representa­tive from the 3rd District, must disagree. He wants to pass a constituti­onal amendment to ban flag-burning. He’s trying to fix a problem that doesn’t hurt anyone when we have real problems that regular people face daily.

Recently, my hair stylist told me she couldn’t call an ambulance for her husband because she couldn’t afford the ambulance fee. She had to drive him to the hospital herself. This spring, I had to pay $330 for an ambulance ride even though I have a Medicare Advantage Plan. Next time, I might just drive myself to the hospital.

Womack is probably adding to our problems. We know how well Congress has treated us. So remember this when you read his proposed amendment: “The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecratio­n of the flag of the United States.”

Think about the real winners. Arresting a flag-burner creates so much more business for lawyers, the police, prosecutin­g attorneys, and judges. It creates so much more income for private prison owners. We’ll need bigger jails, prisons and courthouse­s. Who are the losers? We are. We pay the taxes.

So Womack gets praise for fixing something we don’t need fixed.

Let’s keep the current law enforced in every community—fear of facing family, friends and neighbors. It’s very effective and costs taxpayers nothing.


Bella Vista

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