Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Silence = acceptance


In elementary school my favorite book was Chrysanthe­mum by Kevin Henkes. The main character Chrysanthe­mum was insulted due to being named after a flower and her name not fitting on a name tag. Delphinium Twinkle, the classroom teacher, was named after a flower as well, and if her child were a girl, she would name her Chrysanthe­mum. She could have remained silent, been a follower, and allowed her student to be bullied. However, Ms. Twinkle possessed the moxie to utilize her voice to be heard in defending her student.

President Trump used his triggered Twitter fingers to bully four elected U.S. representa­tive members, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by resorting to racist and xenophobic comments. He called them “left-wing cranks,” claimed they’re “anti-America,” and propose that they return to the country “from which they came.” President Trump’s tweets were directed at four women of color and two women of Muslim faith. Three of the four were born in the United States, with one becoming a naturalize­d citizen. Notice, Trump didn’t tell Tom Malinowski (D, N.J.), who wasn’t born in America, to return from where he came. Could it be because he’s Polish, white, and not of Muslim faith?

Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” Delphinium Twinkle didn’t take the side of the oppressor by remaining silent. When opportunit­y struck, she defended her student. Arkansas Congressma­n Bruce Westerman has shown by remaining silent which side he is on in this controvers­y, and that’s unacceptab­le in a country that embellishe­s diversity. If his silence wasn’t enough, he then voted against H. Res. 489, which condemns Trump’s racist and xenophobic remarks. Congressma­n Westerman has betrayed Arkansans of color, Muslim faith, naturalize­d citizens, and those that immigrated to this country!



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