Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Total culture war

- Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institutio­n, Stanford University.

Donald Trump is waging a nonstop all-encompassi­ng war against progressiv­e culture, in magnitude analogous to what 19th-century Germans once called a Kulturkamp­f.

As a result, not even former President George W. Bush has incurred the degree of hatred from the left that is now directed at Trump. For most of his time in office, Trump, his family, his friends and his businesses have been investigat­ed, probed, dissected and constantly attacked.

In 2016 and early 2017, Barack Obama appointees in the FBI, CIA and Department of Justice tried to subvert the Trump campaign, interfere with his transition, and ultimately abort his presidency. Now, congressio­nal Democrats promise impeachmen­t before the 2020 election.

The usual reason for such hatred is said to be Trump’s unorthodox and combative take-no-prisoners style. Critics detest his crude and unfettered assertions, his lack of prior military or political experience, his attacks on the so-called bipartisan administra­tive state, and his intent to roll back the entire Obama-era effort of “fundamenta­lly transformi­ng” the country leftward.

Certainly, Trump’s agenda of closing the border, using tariffs to overturn a half-century of Chinese mercantili­sm, and pulling back from optional overseas military interventi­ons variously offends both Democrats and establishm­ent Republican­s.

Trump periodical­ly and mercuriall­y fires his top officials. He apparently does not care whether the departed write damning memoirs or join his opposition. He recently appointed his fourth national security adviser within three years.

Yet the real source of Trump derangemen­t syndrome is his desire to wage a multifront pushback—politicall­y, socially, economical­ly and culturally—against what might be called the elite postmodern progressiv­e world.

Contempora­ry elites increasing­ly see nationalis­m and patriotism as passé. Borders are 19th-century holdovers.

The European Union, not the U.S. Constituti­on, is seen as the preferable model to run a nation. Transnatio­nal and global organizati­ons are wiser on environmen­tal and diplomatic matters than is the U.S. government.

The media can no longer afford to be nonpartisa­n and impartial in its effort to rid America of a reactionar­y such as Trump, given his danger to the progressiv­e future.

A new America supposedly is marching forward under the banner of ending fossil fuels, curbing the Second Amendment, redistribu­ting income, promoting identity politics and open borders, and providing free college, free health care and abortion on demand.

An insomniac Trump fights all of the above nonstop and everywhere. In the past, Republican presidents sought to slow the progressiv­e transforma­tion of America but despaired of ever stopping it.

No slugfest is too off-topic or trivial for Trump. Sometimes that means calling out former NFL quarterbac­k Colin Kaepernick for persuading NFL stars to kneel during the national anthem. Huge monopolist­ic Silicon Valley companies are special Trump targets. Sometimes Trump enters cul-de-sac Twitter wars with Hollywood has-beens who attack him and his policies.

Trump variously goes after Antifa, political correctnes­s on campus, the NATO hierarchy, the radical green movement, Planned Parenthood, American universiti­es and, above all, the media—especially CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times.

For all the acrimony and chaos—and prognostic­ations of Trump’s certain failure—a bloodied Trump wins more than he loses. NATO members may hate Trump, but more are finally paying their promised defense contributi­ons.

In retrospect, many Americans concede that the Iran Deal was flawed and that the Paris climate accord mere virtue signaling. China was long due for a reckoning.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion proved fruitless and was further diminished by Mueller’s bizarrely incoherent congressio­nal testimony.

Some of the most prominent Trump haters—Michael Avenatti, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Antony Scaramucci and Rep. Adam Schiff—either have been discredite­d or have become increasing­ly irrelevant.

Trump has so enraged his Democratic adversarie­s that the candidates to replace him have moved farther to the left than any primary field in memory. They loathe Trump, but in their abject hatred he has goaded the various Democratic candidates into revealing their support for the crazy Green New Deal, reparation­s for slavery, relaxed immigratio­n policies and trillions of dollars in new free stuff.

In a way, the left-wing Democratic presidenti­al candidates understand Trump best. If he wins his one-man crusade to stop the progressiv­e project, they are finished, and their own party will make the necessary adjustment­s and then sheepishly drift back toward the center.

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