Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pages from the Past: 1974

- — Celia Storey

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is printing one page a day from each of the 200 years since the first issue of the Arkansas Gazette was printed Nov. 20, 1819. We chose these pages for reasons that range from historic significan­ce to how legible we can make the antique ink. What was printed in these old pages reflects our history but not necessaril­y our values.

Page 1 of the Aug. 9, 1974, Arkansas Gazette documented the resignatio­n of Richard M. Nixon — the only U.S. president to quit the nation’s highest office.

In an emotional, nationally televised address, he said, “I have never been a quitter, but as president I must put the interest of America first.” He said he no longer had enough support in Congress to lead, a fight for personal vindicatio­n would waste time, he didn’t want to subject the nation to the ordeal of an impeachmen­t.

Already the nation had endured 17 months of ordeal — including televised Senate hearings — arising from election law violations during the 1972 presidenti­al campaign. Best known among them was the Watergate affair, a bungled bit of political espionage ultimately traced to the Oval Office. By the day Nixon resigned, charges were still pending against 11 of the 50 men indicted in alleged crimes; 35 had been convicted or pleaded guilty; four had been acquitted or had their charges dropped. Twelve corporatio­ns had admitted giving illegal campaign gifts; one was acquitted and another waited trial.

Nixon retained a few staunch friends in Congress, and he invited them to meet him in the Cabinet room before his televised address. Among the mostly Southern and Republican leaders sat Arkansas Sen. John L. McClellan, a Democrat and chairman of the Senate Appropriat­ions Committee. Other congressio­nal powerhouse­s who opposed him, including Arkansans Sen. J. William Fulbright and Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, were not invited.

The first 14 pages of this Gazette were packed with related stories, including expert speculatio­ns about whether Vice President Gerald Ford, once in office as president, would pardon Nixon (he did), and reactions from Arkansans high and low.

Gov. Dale Bumpers, then Democratic nominee for the Senate, said the resignatio­n proved the democracy was working very well. He called on all Americans to unite behind Ford. Democratic gubernator­ial candidate David H. Pryor said Nixon “chose the only alternativ­e under the circumstan­ces. I’m glad he’s doing it now rather than waiting because he would merely prolong the agony.”

Democrat Brownie Ledbetter said she was disappoint­ed Nixon didn’t admit to any wrongdoing.

Former Gov. Orval Faubus said, “Well, I thought his speech was magnanimou­s and he put — apparently — the interest of the country first, and no one could fault him for doing that.”

Lunch pail in hand, a worker waiting for the bus said, “I like the man and I like the work he’s done. I wish he could stay in there a whole lot longer.” Asked whether Nixon was treated unfairly, he paused and then said, “I don’t want to criticize anybody, but I think maybe so. I just feel real bad about it.”

A North Little Rock woman who had voted for Nixon also was sorry about his resignatio­n: “I’d rather he were impeached.”

“He reminds me of a gangster,” opined a man on a street in eastern Little Rock. “Nixon’s the man who stole the country just like the Grinch stole Christmas.”

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