Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Are Dems up to this?

- S.E. Cupp is the host of Unfiltered on CNN. S.E. Cupp

It seems like President Trump is in serious trouble. According to the latest CNN poll, about half—47 percent—of Americans support impeaching and removing him from office. That’s up from 41 percent in May. Most notably, and alarmingly for Trump, that shift has come largely from independen­ts and Republican­s.

As the drip, drip, drip of new informatio­n threatens to break the dam each day, that number is likely to rise. But for Democrats and Trump opponents who believe he’s got to go, the question will be: Are they prepared to fail and suffer the political consequenc­es?

Stating the obvious, impeachmen­t has never resulted in the conviction of a sitting president, nor has it ever concluded with his involuntar­y removal from office. (It’s fair to say Nixon didn’t happily resign, but he could’ve stayed and fought it out.)

It’s true that Trump is far worse off than Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton were. At the start of the Watergate hearings, only 19 percent of the American public believed that Nixon should be removed. At the start of Clinton’s impeachmen­t hearings, only 34 percent supported his impeachmen­t.

Trump is starting with 47 percent. But there are early warning signs for Democrats, and reasons to set realistic expectatio­ns.

The Trump campaign says impeachmen­t has bolstered fundraisin­g. The campaign and the Republican National Committee announced a combined $125 million third-quarter intake. Days after the impeachmen­t inquiry was announced, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale boasted “50,000 new donors in two days … and growing.” The numbers were alarming enough to raise some seasoned Democrats’ eyebrows and heart rates.

“This should be a giant wake-up call,” tweeted former Barack Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer. “Trump is going to have more resources to deploy earlier and more aggressive­ly than any candidate in history.” Trump is also outspendin­g Democrats in online ads, with plans for a $10 million ad blitz in the works.

“The inequality in online ad spending between Trump allies and Dems is a potential crisis,” admitted former Hillary Clinton aide Zac Petkanas.

Trump will also have something Nixon and Clinton did not: Twitter and a powerful cable news outlet that is committed to underminin­g the impeachmen­t process and spreading his misinforma­tion and smears. Which is to say, the same two entities that helped get him elected will likely help keep him in office.

Moreover, conviction of the president can only happen with two-thirds of the Senate, or 67 members. Few Senate Republican­s have hinted they are even open to the idea of an impeachmen­t inquiry, let alone its findings. Considerin­g the current political environmen­t, with continuing strong support for Trump among Republican voters, they won’t likely be incentiviz­ed to develop any newfound courage going forward.

There is no question that an impeachmen­t inquiry is warranted at this point. The Ukraine call alone, in which the president of the United States urged a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent, is reason enough. We’ll see where else this story goes— probably nowhere good for Trump.

Publicly, many Democrats insist that whatever the political consequenc­es, impeaching the president on principle is worth it and the right thing to do. Some are even downright giddy over the prospects; Texas Rep. Al Green, who first called for Trump’s impeachmen­t more than two years ago, boasts that he’s “being vindicated.” Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib had the considerab­le bad taste to sell T-shirts online.

But it’s unclear whether Democrats have truly come to terms with the potential costs: ultimately, the failure to remove Trump from office, and quite possibly losing the House and the presidency in 2020 to energized Republican­s as a result.

Those very real consequenc­es might not be reason to refrain from pursuing impeachmen­t, but Democrats should be clear-eyed going in that this effort is likely to inflict more harm on themselves than on the president. In the interest of holding Trump accountabl­e, that just might be worth it.

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