Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Do the job, Congress


Wouldn’t it be nice if the people we send to represent us did the job we sent them to do? They are supposed to pass a budget each and every year before the start of the next fiscal year. When was the last time they did this must-do job?

Wouldn’t it be nice if they spent the very little bit of the time they are in session, compared to how often the average person spends doing their job, to do the job of doing what is best for the people they represent? Like pass infrastruc­ture, the new trade deal with Mexico and Canada, do something to lower cost of drugs, fix the mess they created with Obamacare driving up everyone’s cost.

What do they do in the House? They investigat­e, they act, they badger anyone who appears before them. They spend a large part of their time trying to divide the people in this country. What is important to them is getting re-elected and getting power. If I could, I would replace all 535 of them with people who want to represent the people who sent them there and would work for better things for all the American people. But alas, they are by and large profession­al politician­s, people only interested in getting re-elected. And I mean all, both Democrats and Republican­s; I think it is just the Democrats that are doing everything they can to divide, and they have done more to hurt this country than Russia has ever done. The Republican­s aren’t much better. All of them should be sent home in disgrace. Shame it won’t happen. MIKE SCOTT Benton

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