Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Facing consequenc­es


It seems we finally caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. Our prevaricat­or-in-chief trapped in a whirlwind of lies has had his conduct laid bare for all to see.

Oh, he’ll huff and puff and do his best to make it look like he’s an innocent victim and Joe Biden is the bad guy. We know better. His supporters know better too, but they don’t seem to care. “Everybody does it,” they’ll say. Well, “everybody” didn’t get caught. Trump did. And he can’t claim ignorance of the law on this one. He’s been told what the law is by his former nemesis, Robert Mueller.

I believe Trump has indicted himself for high crimes against the Constituti­on by blatantly abusing the power of his office to persuade the leader of a foreign country to interfere with our 2020 election and by, once again, trying to cover it up.

Since capital punishment is off the table, impeachmen­t is the only remedy. It is shameful that Arkansas’ congressme­n and senators will not stand up for the Constituti­on and the rule of law. It is shameful that twothirds of the U.S. Senate will not vote with the House of Representa­tives to impeach this unlawful man; and it is shameful how Donald Trump has besmirched the office of the president and the reputation of our country in the eyes of the world.

How do you react to a man who has no shame? To whom lying is the first tactic in every confrontat­ion and who creates confrontat­ions where none exist so he can lie his way out? Impeachmen­t, plain and simple. And when that fails, as it surely will because of our shameful U.S. Senate, vote. Vote to restore dignity and decency to the presidency. Vote, for the whole world is watching.


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