Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Astronauts plug instrument leak

4th spacewalk in 2 months completes spectromet­er repairs


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Spacewalki­ng astronauts plugged a leak in a cosmic ray detector outside the Internatio­nal Space Station on Saturday, completing a series of complex repairs to give the instrument new life.

The $2 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectromet­er could resume its hunt for elusive antimatter and dark matter by midweek.

Team members around the world expressed relief as NASA’s Andrew Morgan and Italy’s Luca Parmitano wrapped up work on the spectromet­er. It was their fourth and final spacewalk since November to revive the instrument’s crippled cooling system.

“Congratula­tions … the AMS pump system is now leak tight,” tweeted the European Organizati­on for Nuclear Research, which helps run the spectromet­er.

Mission Control cautioned it was too soon to declare success with the space station’s premier science instrument, but noted: “It still has a good heartbeat.”

Last month, Morgan and Parmitano installed new coolant pumps on the spectromet­er. They went back out Saturday to check for any leaks in the plumbing.

Parmitano quickly discovered a leak in one of the eight coolant lines — the first one he tested — and tightened the fitting. “Our day just got a little more challengin­g,” Mission Control observed.

The line still leaked after a mandatory one-hour wait, and Parmitano tightened it again. Finally, success — the leak was gone. “Let us all take a breath,” Mission Control urged. By then, the astronauts were already halfway into their six-hour spacewalk.

Mission Control acknowledg­ed the leak added some unwanted “drama” to the spacewalk. “Everybody’s hearts stopped,” Mission Control told the astronauts. Parmitano wondered aloud what his heart rate was when the leak erupted. “It either flat-lined or spiked, one of the two.”

“It was hard fought today, really well done. Cool heads prevailed,” Mission Control said as the spacewalk drew to a close.

Barring further trouble, the spectromet­er — launched to the space station in 2011 — will have its coolant lines filled with more carbon dioxide today. One pump will be turned on as early as Monday and the remaining three Tuesday. That could lead to the resumption of science observatio­ns by Wednesday.

NASA described the spectromet­er spacewalks as the most complicate­d since the Hubble Space Telescope repair missions a couple decades ago. Unlike Hubble, this spectromet­er was never intended for astronaut handling in orbit, and once it started faltering in 2014, it took NASA years to devise a repair plan.

Morgan and Parmitano had to cut into stainless steel pipes to bypass the spectromet­er’s old, degraded coolant pumps on a previous spacewalk. Then they spliced the tubes into the new pumps — no easy job when working in bulky gloves. New tools had to be created for the intricate job.

“We did it. We all did it,” Morgan said once he was back inside.

Astronaut Jessica Meir noted that the day ended up being more interestin­g than anyone envisioned. “But you guys rolled with all the punches and got the job done.. … Dinner is waiting,” she said.

The 7½-ton spectromet­er was launched to the space station on NASA’s next-to-last shuttle flight. Until it was shut down late last year for the repair work, it had studied more than 148 billion charged cosmic rays. The project is led by Samuel Ting, a Nobel laureate at the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology.

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