Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Iran official suggests U.S. talks still possible

- DAVID RISING Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Nasser Karimi of The Associated Press.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iran is not ruling out negotiatio­ns with the United States even after an American drone strike that killed a top Iranian general, the country’s foreign minister said in an interview released Saturday.

Mohammed Javad Zarif told Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine that he would “never rule out the possibilit­y that people will change their approach and recognize the realities” in an interview conducted Friday in Tehran.

There has been growing tension between Washington and Tehran since 2018, when President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the nuclear deal with Iran. The U.S. has since reimposed tough sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy.

But Zarif suggested Iran was still willing to talk, though reiterated his country’s previous demand that first the U.S. would have to lift sanctions.

“For us, it doesn’t matter who is sitting in the White House, what matters is how they behave,” he said, according to Der Spiegel. “The Trump administra­tion can correct its past, lift the sanctions and come back to the negotiatin­g table. We’re still at the negotiatin­g table. They’re the ones who left.”

Meanwhile on Saturday, Ali Asghar Zarean, an aide to Iran’s nuclear chief, said Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile has exceeded 2,646 pounds, which is far beyond what the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers allowed.

“Iran is increasing its stockpile of the enriched uranium with full speed,” he said. The claim has not been verified by the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog.

Following the U.S. drone strike Jan. 3 that killed Revolution­ary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran announced it would no longer abide by any of the deal’s limitation­s to its enrichment activities. It then retaliated Jan. 8, launching ballistic missiles at two bases in Iraq housing American troops, causing injuries but no fatalities among soldiers and airmen there.

In November, the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency said Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched uranium had grown to 821 pounds as of Nov. 3. The nuclear deal limited the stockpile to 447 pounds.

Iran has routinely vowed to begin enriching its stockpile of uranium to higher levels closer to weapons grade if world powers fail to negotiate new terms for the nuclear accord following the U.S. decision to withdraw from the agreement and restore crippling sanctions. European countries opposed the U.S. withdrawal and have repeatedly urged Iran to abide by the deal.

Under the agreement, Iran agreed to limit its enrichment of uranium under the watch of U.N. inspectors in exchange for the lifting of sanctions.

Trump has maintained that the deal needs to be renegotiat­ed because it didn’t address Iran’s ballistic missile program or its involvemen­t in regional conflicts. The other signatorie­s to the deal — Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia — have been struggling to keep it alive.

Zarif also suggested that Iran was still prepared for conflict with the U.S., though was not specific.

“The U.S. has inflicted great harm on the Iranian people,” he said. “The day will come when they will have to compensate for that. We have a lot of patience.”

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