Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

For ardent Trump fan, ‘This is history’


Many of the people in line to witness the impeachmen­t trial last week were tourists, fortunate that their long-scheduled trips coincided with a history-making moment.

Others traveled to Washington, D.C., solely to see the proceeding­s.

Will Johnson, a pro-Trump activist and Little Rock native, said he was in the latter category.

Wearing a “Trump 2020 Keep America Great” cap and a “Save America in 2020 — Vote Dem Out” T-shirt, said he didn’t mind waiting in line for hours if that’s what it took to get inside the Senate chambers.

“This is history,” he said. “I mean, presidents have been impeached in the past but never partisan impeachmen­t.”

Johnson, who now lives in the Austin, Texas, area, gives President Donald Trump high marks for his leadership over the past three years.

“I believe President Trump has done a lot for America,” he said.

Critics have accused Trump of acting unpresiden­tial. Johnson says they’re right.

“I’m going to be honest. One of the things I really like about him is because he doesn’t act presidenti­al,” Johnson said.

Trump is fixing problems caused by previous leaders who “acted presidenti­al” but failed to lead the nation in the right direction, he added.

Planning to visit the nation’s capital? Know something happening in Washington, D.C.? Please contact Frank Lockwood at (202) 662-7690 or flockwood@arkansason­ Want the latest from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s Washington bureau? It’s available on Twitter, @LockwoodFr­ank.

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