Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Over the lence


NAME: Karen Lafferty

AGE: 68

CITY: Heber Springs

Each Sunday, the Three Rivers Edition features a resident from the area to help readers get to know their neighbors. To suggest someone to run in this feature, email trnews@arkansason­

What is your occupation?

I’m a retired teacher from Concord K-12.

Would you rather be a jack-of-all-trades or a master of one?

I dabble in a little bit of everything.

Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest parts of the ocean?

I don’t know if I’d want to do either.

What do you do to unwind?

I’m raising grandkids, so I don’t have much time to unwind.

Do you like cake or pie?


What fad do you wish would come back?

More modest clothing

What was your favorite food as a kid?

Mac & cheese

Which are you more likely to fight for — love or money?


What advice would you give people?

Live every day being the best person you can be. Follow your heart, and follow God.

What animal best represents you, and why?

A cat, because they’re generally calm.

What is your favorite smell?

Fresh-cotton-scented candles

Is there anything or anyone that you’re a fan of that you’re ashamed to admit?

Meghan Trainor

If you could instantly learn a specific new instrument or language, which would you choose?

I would learn French.

Where is your favorite place to vacation in Arkansas?

This area right here

What’s your favorite outdoor festival or event to go to?

We used to go to the Bean Festival in Mountain View.

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