Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Rememberin­g Auschwitz’s victims

- VANESSA GERA Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Monika Scislowska, Thomas Adamson and Edith M. Lederer of The Associated Press.

A person lights a candle Monday at Auschwitz as a commemorat­ion in Oswiecim, Poland, marks the 75th anniversar­y of the Soviet army’s liberation of the Nazi death camp. About 200 of the camp’s survivors were in attendance. More photos at arkansason­

OSWIECIM, Poland — Survivors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp prayed and wept as they marked the 75th anniversar­y of its liberation, returning Monday to the place where they lost entire families and warning about the ominous growth of anti-Semitism and hatred in the world.

“We have with us the last living survivors, the last among those who saw the Holocaust with their own eyes,” Polish President Andrzej Duda told those at the commemorat­ion, which included the German president as well as Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders.

“The magnitude of the crime perpetrate­d in this place is terrifying, but we must not look away from it and we must never forget it,” Duda said.

About 200 camp survivors attended, many of them elderly Jews and non-Jews who traveled from Israel, the United States, Australia, Peru, Russia, Slovenia and elsewhere. Many lost parents and grandparen­ts in Auschwitz or other Nazi death camps during World War II, but were joined by children, grandchild­ren and even great-grandchild­ren.

They gathered under an enormous, heated tent straddling the train tracks that had transporte­d people to Birkenau, the part of the vast complex where most of the murdered Jews were killed in gas chambers and then cremated. Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet army on Jan. 27, 1945.

Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, brought the crowd to tears with the story of a survivor who was separated from his family: The man watched his young daughter, in a red coat, walk to her death, turning into a small red dot in the distance before disappeari­ng forever.

After the end of the war, when “the world finally saw pictures of gas chambers, nobody in their right mind wanted to be associated with the Nazis,” he recalled. “But now I see something I never thought I would see in my lifetime — the open and brazen spread of anti-Jewish hatred.”

“Do not be silent! Do not be complacent! Do not let this ever happen again — to any people!” Lauder said.

Marian Turski, a 93-yearold Polish Jewish survivor, said he did not expect to make it to the next commemorat­ion and wanted to transmit a message to his grandchild­ren’s generation: that the destructio­n of the Jews began with small steps that were tolerated. What began with banning Jews from sitting on benches in Berlin evolved into ghettos and death camps. Such horrors could happen anywhere, he said.

“Auschwitz did not descend from the sky,” he said, crediting those words to Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen, among those present. Calling for people to not be indifferen­t, he said: “Because if you are indifferen­t, you will not even notice it when upon your own heads, and upon the heads of your descendant­s, another Auschwitz descends from the sky.”

As a Jewish survivor recited Hebrew prayers for the dead, people in the crowd bowed their heads or wiped away tears. Clergymen of other faiths also prayed.

Then, with the famous gate and barbed wire illuminate­d in the dark and cold evening, guests marched in a procession to place candles at a memorial to the victims set amid the remains of the gas chambers.

Most of the 1.1 million people murdered by the Nazi German forces at the camp were Jews, but other Poles, Russians and Roma were imprisoned and killed there.

On the eve of the commemorat­ions, survivors, many leaning on their children and grandchild­ren for support, walked through the camp where they had been brought on cattle cars and suffered hunger and illness and came close to death. They said they were there to remember, to share their histories with others and to make a gesture of defiance toward those who had sought their destructio­n.

“I have no graves to go to, and I know my parents were murdered here and burned. So this is how I pay homage to them,” said Yvonne Engelman, a 92-year-old Australian who was joined by three more generation­s now scattered around the globe.

She recalled being brought in from a ghetto in what was then Czechoslov­akia by cattle car, being stripped of her clothes, shaved and put in a gas chamber. By some miracle, the gas chamber did not work that day, and she survived slave labor and a death march.

In Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron paid his respects at the city’s Shoah Memorial and warned about hate crimes in the country, which increased 27% last year.

“That anti-Semitism is coming back is not the Jewish people’s problem: It’s all our problem — it’s the nation’s problem,” Macron said.

Hundreds of diplomats and guests along with several Holocaust survivors joined U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and General Assembly President Tijjani Muhammad-Bande for a ceremony at the United Nations in New York.

“May we make a pledge: We stand united against hate,” said Rabbi Arthur Schneier, a Holocaust survivor. “We stand united against anti-Semitism. We stand united against xenophobia and racism and any form of bigotry.”

 ?? (AP/Czarek Sokolowski) ??
(AP/Czarek Sokolowski)
 ?? (AP/Czarek Sokolowski) ?? Polish President Andrzej Duda walks with survivors through the gates of Auschwitz on Monday, the 75th anniversar­y of the death camp’s liberation.
(AP/Czarek Sokolowski) Polish President Andrzej Duda walks with survivors through the gates of Auschwitz on Monday, the 75th anniversar­y of the death camp’s liberation.
 ?? (AP/Markus Schreiber) ?? German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier lays a wreath Monday at the Death Wall of the Auschwitz death camp in Oswiecim, Poland.
(AP/Markus Schreiber) German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier lays a wreath Monday at the Death Wall of the Auschwitz death camp in Oswiecim, Poland.

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