Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Duty to Constituti­on


Every person that goes to work for the U.S. government takes a pledge to protect and defend the Constituti­on. Not a party nor a leader, but the set of rules that is the glue holding us together. The Constituti­on is quite clear on the formation and duties of the three parts of our government. It also defines the duties to each branch to keep a check on the other two parts to keep them honest and not become more powerful than another.

I bring this up because the second article of impeachmen­t against the president is a charge of obstructio­n. The House was trying to investigat­e the Ukrainian matter and the executive branch shut the door in its face. No witnesses, no informatio­n, no records, no answers, no honoring subpoenas.

All on the orders of the president.

Even if you don’t agree that the first article of impeachmen­t is valid, how can you not believe that the executive branch is not cooperatin­g with the House? The Constituti­on gives the House power to demand and receive informatio­n from the executive branch. Only once before, when Nixon refused to give the tapes, has the executive not complied. And then the courts said turn them over, comply with the Constituti­on.

So I ask our two senators: Have you taken an oath to your party, or a person? No, you gave it to the Constituti­on, the document that has kept us free all these years from the threats of a single person or group. If you cannot recognize the blatant act of obstructio­n from the executive branch, then check your honor at the door. Either you protect and defend the Constituti­on, or you are no better than a president who has ordered his branch to ignore complying with it.

I hope that enough senators will stand by their oath and vote to save the Constituti­on. If 67 senators cannot vote on obvious obstructio­n, we deserve whatever fate comes to us. This is not about loyalty to a man or party; this is about loyalty to your country and your duty.

STEVE HEYE Little Rock

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