Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

2nd 9/11 interrogat­ion designer testifies


FORT MEADE, Md. — A former CIA contractor who helped design a harsh interrogat­ion program after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks sought Friday to minimize the severity of techniques used on the men accused in the plot.

John Bruce Jessen, testifying in public for the first time about an interrogat­ion program long shrouded in secrecy, told a military court at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that the techniques used against detainees had been shown to have no lasting effects and were used only a small portion of the time they were in captivity.

Jessen said the techniques, which included waterboard­ing and prolonged sleep deprivatio­n, were employed only to gather intelligen­ce aimed at preventing another terrorist attack.

“If at at any time they didn’t want the techniques to be applied, all they had to do was talk, and most of them did that right away, ” said the retired Air Force psychologi­st.

Jessen took the stand after eight days of testimony by James Mitchell, also a retired Air Force psychologi­st. The two men are considered the architects of the interrogat­ion program, which was used on detainees in clandestin­e CIA facilities around the world, and which are now largely viewed as torture.

Their testimony comes as lawyers for the five men charged in the attacks seek to exclude a key piece of evidence against them: statements the defendants gave to FBI agents after they were moved from CIA custody to Guantanamo in September 2006. Their death penalty trial is scheduled to start at the base next January.

Jessen, as Mitchell did before him, described how Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, learned to withstand the waterboard­ing and eventually began to volunteer informatio­n, including his role in the killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002.

“The objective was to get the detainees to willingly engage in dialogue with the CIA analysts at some level,” Jessen testified.

A Senate investigat­ion in 2014 found that the interrogat­ion program designed by Mitchell and Jessen was used on 39 detainees and produced no useful intelligen­ce.

Jessen, who now lives in Washington state, created the interrogat­ion program with Mitchell based on the experience both men had training Air Force pilots and other service members to put up resistance to the enemy if captured. Their company received $81 million from the CIA, according to the Senate report.

Mitchell earlier defended the interrogat­ion program, though he conceded that some interrogat­ors used unapproved methods or that some techniques were used even when not necessary because detainees were cooperatin­g.

The methods they developed included sleep deprivatio­n for days at a time, confinemen­t in small spaces, painful shackling, forced standing in the nude, being plunged into icy water as well as the simulated drowning process known as waterboard­ing.

Mitchell said the overall goal of the program was to prevent another terrorist attack. “I felt my moral obligation to protect American lives outweighed the temporary discomfort of terrorists who voluntaril­y took up arms against us,” he said.

Air Force Col. Shane Cohen, the judge, said he will ultimately decide how to characteri­ze the treatment the men were subjected to in various clandestin­e CIA detention facilities before they were taken to Guantanamo in September 2006. They are now among the 40 prisoners still held at the base.

“The opinion of the Department of Justice, the attorney general, or even the president of the United States is not binding on me,” Cohen said during Mitchell’s testimony.

His decision could have a significan­t effect on what evidence the government can present in the case against Mohammed and his four co-defendants. Proceeding­s against the men have been bogged down in pretrial hearings since their May 2012 arraignmen­t on charges that include nearly 3,000 counts of murder, hijacking and terrorism. They could get the death penalty if convicted at the trial by military commission.

The proceeding­s at Guantanamo were being transmitte­d to several government installati­ons in the U.S., including Fort Meade, Md., where they were viewed by The Associated Press.

 ?? (AP/Alex Brandon) ?? A military court at the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba is hearing testimony about an interrogat­ion program long shrouded in secrecy. The proceeding­s are being transmitte­d to several government installati­ons in the U.S.
(AP/Alex Brandon) A military court at the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba is hearing testimony about an interrogat­ion program long shrouded in secrecy. The proceeding­s are being transmitte­d to several government installati­ons in the U.S.

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