Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Fake news?


BACK IN our day, you had to pay for a poll to get certain answers. Kids these days just ask Google. The all-seeing search engine keeps up with all of its searches—by state. And news reports over the last week said the tech behemoth even knows what you’re eating during the Super Bowl. Or at least what your neighbors are eating. Because Google keeps these searches in its double-secret-probation database, it can tell us what folks are Googling just before the big game.

People in Oregon are looking up recipes for hamburger sliders. Or did last year. North Carolinian­s prefer seven layer dip. And the good people of Oklahoma tend to Google pigs in a blanket. Somehow, we don’t doubt it.

So what are Arkies looking up as they turn to the Internet a mere 30 minutes before kickoff?

Blue cheese dip.

Blue cheese dip?

We will file that one under Not Necessaril­y The News.

Cheese dip, yes. That, we understand. But a dip made of blue cheese? What’s wrong with an old-fashioned queso dip? Or the same thing but you can’t call it “queso” because folks in Little Rock hate that word and it has to be “cheese dip” because it doesn’t clump like “queso” and don’t you people on the editorial page know anything? We’ll not get into that argument today.

What’s wrong with cocktail weenies and loaded potato skins? People in Ohio are Googling pinwheels, and Montana residents are looking up the best recipe for wings. And we get stuck with “blue cheese dip”?

If your family recipe won’t abide Velveeta, fine. Do it your way. But spare us the Roquefort. And pass the chips.

Go Chiefs.

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