Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BOBBY WOLFF If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

This week’s themed deals focus on Lebensohl, a convention to help you differenti­ate between forcing or invitation­al hands and sign-offs when in competitio­n. It tends to be used only when your side might still be considerin­g playing game. In response to a takeout double at the two-level, two notrump is a puppet to three clubs, to play there or in another suit at the three-level, while an immediate three-level bid shows extras.

Lebensohl is most commonly used in response to a double of a weak two or following interventi­on over one no-trump. But here is another situation where a partnershi­p can agree to play Lebensohl. Since North may have a fair hand with no good bid over two hearts, game is still in the picture after his partner’s reopening double. So he bids two no-trump to show a bad hand, then passes the forced three clubs.

West kicks off with three rounds of hearts. Declarer plays small from dummy and ruffs in hand.

It may seem natural to cash the top clubs, then guess which opponent to play for the spade king. Better, though, is to ruff out spades, retaining the high trumps for entries.

Declarer cashes the spade ace and ruffs a spade. The club ace allows him to ruff another spade, and the club king permits a third spade ruff. With East unable to overruff (pitching a spade on the third heart would have been no better), declarer has nine tricks: three spade ruffs plus a heart ruff, three black-suit winners and two diamonds.

ANSWER: Lead the heart king. You intend to take a diamond ruff, but to lead the suit on the go may cause partner to duck his ace, hoping to retain communicat­ions when you have a doubleton, or he might win and switch. By leading a top heart and switching to the diamond jack, you direct partner to win and give you a ruff. You would not sacrifice trump control if you had a doubleton diamond, would you?

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