Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Top U.S. general quietly visits Iraqis

Mideast commander also sees troops, voices optimism on preventing pullout


ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT — The top U.S. commander for the Middle East slipped quietly into Iraq on Tuesday, as the Trump administra­tion works to salvage relations with Iraqi leaders and shut down the government’s push for an American troop withdrawal.

Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie became the most senior U.S. military official to visit since an American drone strike in Baghdad last month killed a top Iranian general, angering the Iraqis.

McKenzie met with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad and then went to see American troops at al-Asad Air Base, which was the target of a missile strike by Iran last month in retaliatio­n for the drone attack. Later, he said he was “heartened” by the meetings, adding, “I think we’re going to be able to find a way forward.”

His visit took place as heightened anti-American sentiment has fueled violent protests, rocket attacks on the U.S. embassy and a vote by the Iraqi parliament pushing for withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country. And it raised questions about whether the appearance of a high-profile U.S. military commander could spur compromise or simply inflame tensions and scuttle ongoing negotiatio­ns to put Patriot missile batteries in Iraq to better protect coalition forces.

Two reporters traveling with McKenzie for the past two weeks around the Middle East did not go with him into Iraq because they didn’t have required visas. Speaking to Associated Press and Washington Post reporters after he returned, McKenzie said it’s difficult to predict how the discussion­s will turn out, particular­ly because the government is in transition.

While he met with outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, President Barham Saleh, and Speaker of the House Salim al-Jabouri, he did not see the incoming prime minister, Mohammed Allawi.

He said the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq believes that future military presence in the country must be based on the threat from Islamic State militants, in consultati­on with the Iraqi government.

Right now, he acknowledg­ed that because of the current strain in relations, joint military operations and training between the U.S. and the Iraqis have been scaled back. He said there is “some training” and that U.S. special operations forces are doing missions with Iraqi commandos. But, he said, “we’re still in a period of turbulence. We’ve got a ways to go.”

Top U.S. leaders have so far flatly dismissed Iraqi demands for U.S. troops to leave, adopting what appears to be a wait-andsee attitude with the hope that the problems will pass.

Iraqis, however, were furious over the drone strike at Baghdad’s internatio­nal airport on Jan. 3 that targeted and killed Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s most powerful general, but also struck down an Iraqi general who was with him. The Iraqi, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, was the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilizati­on Forces.

In response to what Iraqi leaders called a breach of sovereignt­y, the Iraqi parliament passed a nonbinding resolution urging U.S. troop withdrawal. The United States has more than 6,000 troops in Iraq.

But after Iran struck back on Jan. 8, launching ballistic missiles at two Iraqi bases where American troops were stationed, the U.S. doubled down and asked to move the Patriot systems into the country.

There were no Patriots or other air defenses in Iraq capable of shooting down ballistic missiles at the time of the Iranian strike. No forces were killed, but at least 64 have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury.

Thus far, the Iraqis have not approved the request. McKenzie said he discussed the issue during his meetings but he declined to provide any details.

He said, however, that he believes the threat from Iran and its proxy forces in Iraq, Syria and other areas continues and that “it is a really dangerous time.” The Pentagon also believes that continued training and operations are critical to prevent the resurgence of the Islamic State group.

During a two-hour stop at al-Asad, he said he talked with troops who went through the missile attack, and were able to take cover after warning systems went off. He said they told him they couldn’t hear the missiles approachin­g but some on the fringes of the site, “could see warheads falling from the sky in the last five or six seconds.”

Asked why he went into Iraq at such a sensitive time, McKenzie said that as the top Middle East commander, “I have a moral obligation to go there.”

He added, ‘It’s important to go and see the Iraqi government, to show them we’re with them and that this is an important relationsh­ip.”

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