Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Swiss anti-sex-bias measure approved


BERLIN — Swiss voters approved by a wide margin Sunday a measure that will make it illegal to discrimina­te against people because of their sexual orientatio­n.

Switzerlan­d’s parliament in late 2018 approved expanding the country’s existing anti-discrimina­tion law to make it illegal to publicly denigrate, discrimina­te or stir up hatred based on a person’s sexual orientatio­n.

Opponents of the move insisted it violated people’s right to freedom of opinion and gathered enough signatures to force a referendum on the issue. Switzerlan­d holds referendum­s several times a year that give voters a direct say in policymaki­ng.

Voters supported outlawing anti-gay discrimina­tion by a margin of 63.1% to 36.9%, an outcome roughly in line with pre-referendum expectatio­ns. Of Switzerlan­d’s 26 cantons (states), only three — Appenzell-Innerrhode­n, Schwyz and Uri — had majorities vote against it.

Under the measure, operators of restaurant­s, cinemas and public facilities such as swimming pools will not be able to turn people away because of their sexual orientatio­n.

The revision approved Sunday expands the scope of a law in force since 1995 that bans discrimina­tion on the basis of race or religion. The law allows fines and up to three years in prison for violations. In its new form, it will cover sexual orientatio­n but not gender identity.

Supporters said the addition is needed but that it would not stifle legitimate public debate as long as the views expressed don’t stray into fomenting hate or discrimina­tion.

Voters “are saying unmistakab­ly that hatred and discrimina­tion have no place in our free Switzerlan­d,” Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter said.

Opponents argued that protection­s against denigratio­n were already enshrined in Swiss law. The nationalis­t Swiss People’s Party said the backers must now show it was “not a pretext for handing down politicall­y motivated verdicts and silencing unwelcome opinions and voices.”

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