Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Oregon senators stall climate vote


SALEM, Ore. — Republican senators slipped out of the Oregon State Capitol on Monday, preventing the state Senate from convening in an attempt to doom a bill aimed at stemming global warming.

The walkout was a repeat of action the GOP took last year to kill similar climate change legislatio­n, a maneuver that prompted threats of having state police forcibly return lawmakers to the Statehouse.

The walkout threatens to derail the main legislatio­n that Democrats had hoped to pass during a 35-day session: A bill to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown accused the Republican lawmakers of “being against the Democratic process.” The minority Republican­s staged two walkouts last year, leading Senate President Peter Courtney to request Brown to order the state police to bring the missing lawmakers back.

The latest so-called capand-trade bill calls for the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to at least 45% below 1990 emissions levels by 2035 and to at least 80% below by 2050. The bill would force big greenhouse gas emitters to obtain credits for each metric ton of carbon dioxide they emit. Opponents say fossil fuel companies will wind up offloading increased costs to customers.

A visibly angry Brown denounced the boycott as undemocrat­ic.

“If they don’t like a bill, then they need to show up and change it or show up and vote no. They should make their voices heard rather than shut down state government,” she said at a news conference.

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