Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Jacksonvil­le district aid short, judge told

Two schools at center of dispute with state


The Jacksonvil­le/North Pulaski School District will fall out of compliance with a federal desegregat­ion order to replace the Murrell Taylor and Bayou Meto elementary schools because of a lack of state aid, a district lawyer has said.

Scott Richardson, an attorney for the Jacksonvil­le school system, told U.S. District Chief Judge D. Price Marshall Jr. late Friday that the state’s Division of Public School Academic Facilities and Transporta­tion has declined to fully fund the district’s request for aid for the replacemen­t schools.

Richardson also told the presiding judge in the long-running Pulaski County school desegregat­ion lawsuit that state officials do not appear to care about the district’s potential for violating the court order.

While the district can still appeal the funding decision to the state facility division’s three-member commission, Richardson said he doesn’t expect success.

“Thus, JNPSD anticipate­s that the State of Arkansas’s official position will remain that this Court’s order that JNPSD replace Taylor Elementary and Bayou Meto Elementary will have no meaning for the State,” Richardson wrote.

“The State’s refusal to participat­e in replacemen­t of Taylor Elementary and the full replacemen­t of Bayou Meto

Elementary,” he continued, “likely means that JNPSD will be unable to comply with the Court’s order; that is, that JNPSD will fall out of compliance with the District’s desegregat­ion obligation­s because of the action of the State. This also, the State appears unconcerne­d about.”

The dispute with the state over constructi­on funding comes at a time when the Jacksonvil­le/North Pulaski and Pulaski County Special school districts are preparing for a July hearing before Marshall on whether the two districts have met their desegregat­ion obligation­s in the 37-year-old lawsuit and can be released from further court monitoring.

Those obligation­s center on discipline practices, student achievemen­t, staffing and the condition of school building facilities in the two districts. The Jacksonvil­le and Pulaski County Special districts are the two remaining defendant districts in the long-running case. The Jacksonvil­le district was carved out of the Pulaski County Special district in 2016 with the condition that the fledgling district must fulfill the same desegregat­ion requiremen­ts as Pulaski County Special.

In his Friday status report to Marshall, Richardson noted that the judge in 2016 had asked for “specifics about replacing” four elementary schools so that all elementari­es in the new district “are equal.” The subsequent plan called for Bayou Meto and Taylor to be the final two schools to be replaced.

The district has already completed the new Bobby G. Lester Elementary and the new Jacksonvil­le High buildings. Constructi­on of a new middle school and a new elementary that will replace Pinewod and Dupree elementari­es is underway and should be completed in August 2021.

The district last year applied to the state academic facilities division for Academic Facilities Partnershi­p Program aid to help build a $16 million replacemen­t for Taylor and $14.5 million replacemen­t for Bayou Meto.

The division staff concluded that the 53,764-square-foot Taylor needed to be 72,000 square feet to accommodat­e projected enrollment growth. The state division approved a share of funding for only that additional square footage — at $175 a square foot — which would amount to about $3.2 million. The state further calculated that the state’s share of the funding would be about $1.39 million, Richardson said.

That is about 8.6 percent of the projected cost of an entire new school, Richardson said.

“It is unlikely that JNPSD will be able to build this project with this meager amount of partnershi­p funding,” he said.

In regard to Bayou Meto, the state facilities division approved funding for a replacemen­t school but disapprove­d funding for about 9,000 square feet of what would be a 65,000-square-foot structure. That’s because the current school has a recently added multipurpo­se room that doesn’t need to be replaced.

The state division calculated the cost of the Bayou Meto project at $9.6 million rather than the $14.5 million estimated by the district. The division approved state funding of about $4.2 million, or about 28.7 percent of the overall cost of the planned structure.

“It is likely that JNPSD will be able to build this project with this limited amount of Partnershi­p funding that may become available,” Richardson concluded. “However, the approval is about $2 million less than what JNPSD had planned for in state partnershi­p funds,” he told the judge.

Richardson had argued to a state review panel earlier this month that the current Bayou Meto site is not large enough to accommodat­e both an old school and a newly constructe­d school. He said it is not feasible for Jacksonvil­le to be required to build a new school facility at a new distant site and then require that students and staff at the new school use a gym at another location.

The district earlier this month appealed the facility division’s decision on the two schools as well as the $175-persquare-foot cap on constructi­on costs to a review panel made up of public and private sector organizati­ons. The panel upheld the decisions of the division staff.

Lori Freno, general counsel for the Arkansas Department of Education, had argued to the panel on behalf of the facilities division that Taylor Elementary was not eligible for total replacemen­t because of its relatively young age — 38 years — and relatively good condition. It’s facility condition index was 38.2 and well below the 65 index score that typically warrants replacemen­t, she told the panel.

Freno also told the panel that $175-per-square-foot building allowance will increase to $200 in the 2021-23 funding cycle.

In regard to the Jacksonvil­le district’s desegregat­ion case obligation­s to have schools of equal condition, Freno said that the federal court did not order the state to provide state Academic Facilities Partnershi­p Program funding for school replacemen­ts, nor is the state under any obligation to treat the Jacksonvil­le district more favorably than other districts. Such a requiremen­t would be contrary to the 2014 settlement agreement in the desegregat­ion case that resulted in the state being dismissed as a party, Freno told the review panel.

The review panel members were Karen Walters, Bryant superinten­dent; Ro Arrington, director of public finance at the Arkansas Developmen­t Finance Authority; Michelle McClaflin, vice president of Hight Jackson Associates; Daniel Barnes, president of McClelland Consulting Engineers Inc., and Jeff Marcussen of Nabholz Corp.

The Jacksonvil­le/North Pulaski district now has the right to appeal to the academic facilities commission, which is made up of Johnny Key, state education secretary; Larry Walther, director of the state Department of Finance and Administra­tion; and Bryan Scoggins, president of the Arkansas Developmen­t Finance Authority.

Richardson told the judge that the appeal to the commission “is unlikely to produce a different outcome” in that one of the members of the earlier review panel, Arrington, is on the staff of the Arkansas Developmen­t Finance Authority and reports to Scoggins; and Freno, the attorney who represents the academic facilities division, reports to Key.

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