Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Gun-control groups criticize guidance on letting sellers stay open


Gun-control groups are balking at the Trump administra­tion’s ruling that gun shops are considered “essential” businesses that should remain open as other businesses close to try to stop the spread of the coronaviru­s, calling it a policy that puts profits over public health.

In the past several weeks, various states and municipali­ties have offered different interpreta­tions of whether gun stores should be allowed to remain open as Americans stay at home to avoid spreading the virus. In Los Angeles County, for example, Sheriff Alex Villanueva has twice ordered gun shops in his territory to close, leading to legal challenges from gun-rights advocates.

After days of lobbying by the National Rifle Associatio­n, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and other gun groups, the Department of Homeland Security over the weekend issued an advisory declaring that firearms dealers should be considered essential services — just like grocery stores, pharmacies and hospitals — and be allowed to remain open. The

agency said its ruling was not a mandate but merely guidance for cities, towns and states as they weigh how to prevent the spread of the coronaviru­s.

Still, gun-control groups called it a move to put profits first. The Brady group on Monday filed a Freedom of Informatio­n Act request with the Homeland Security Department, seeking emails and documents that explain how the agency reached its decision to issue the advisory and to determine if it consulted with any public health experts.

For most people, the new coronaviru­s causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough, that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, and death.

“The gun lobby is not willing to stand for a few days or a few weeks of less profit in order to protect public health, and it’s outrageous and definitely not required by the Second Amendment,” said Jonathan Lowy, chief counsel for Brady. He added later: “It’s a public health issue, not a Second Amendment issue. The fact is that guns, the nature of guns, require that they be sold with a lot of close interactio­n. They can’t be sold from vending machines, can’t be sold with curbside pickup.”

The gun lobby has been pushing back vigorously against places where some authoritie­s have deemed federally licensed gun dealers are not essential and should close as part of stayat-home directives. The gun lobby has said it’s critical that these shops remain open so Americans, who are buying firearms in record numbers, have the ability to exercise their constituti­onal rights.

In recent weeks, firearm sales have skyrockete­d. Background checks — the key barometer of gun sales — already were at record numbers in January and February, likely fueled by a presidenti­al election year. Since the coronaviru­s outbreak, gun shops have reported long lines and runs on firearms and ammunition.

Background checks were up 300% on March 16 compared with the same date a year before, according to federal data shared with the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Since Feb. 23, each day has seen roughly double the volume over 2019, according to Mark Oliva, spokesman for the group.

In Texas, the state attorney general issued a legal opinion saying that emergency orders closing gun shops are unconstitu­tional. That stands in contrast to some municipali­ties, such as New Orleans, where the mayor has issued an emergency proclamati­on that declares the authority to restrict sales of firearms and ammunition.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation and other gun lobbying groups hailed the Texas opinion as a victory for gun owners, especially first-time buyers who are concerned that upheaval and turmoil over the virus could affect personal safety.

“We have seen over the past week hundreds of thousands, even millions, of Americans choosing to exercise their right to keep and bear arms to ensure their safety and the safety of loved ones during these uncertain times,” said Lawrence Keane, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. “Americans must not be denied the ability to exercise that right to lawfully purchase and acquire firearms during times of emergency.”

Lowy said it shouldn’t be considered a violation of Second Amendment rights since it’s temporary and in the midst of a pandemic. He likened it to the constituti­onal right to peaceably assemble, a right that is being curtailed at the moment as Americans practice social distancing.

“If you have a gun in the home, you are exercising your Second Amendment rights. No court has held that you have a Second Amendment right to a stockpile of guns,” he said.

The vast majority of states are allowing gun shops to remain open. However, some states that have been the hardest hit by the coronaviru­s have ruled that gun shops are not essential and should close. In the absence of a mandate from federal authoritie­s, gun groups have been filing lawsuits challengin­g state and local authoritie­s who are ordering gun shops and ranges to close.

The NRA thanked President Donald Trump for the Homeland Security Department ruling. The group has been a consistent backer of Trump, pumping about $30 million toward his 2016 campaign.

 ?? (AP/Ringo H.W. Chiu) ?? People wait in line to enter a gun store in Culver City, Calif., earlier this month.
(AP/Ringo H.W. Chiu) People wait in line to enter a gun store in Culver City, Calif., earlier this month.

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