Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: My Sound Off is about the length of appliance cords. Why is it that appliances like coffee makers or toasters have such short cords? I have one outlet near the counter in the kitchen where I use these appliances, and the cords don’t reach unless the appliances are touching each other. Maybe manufactur­ers will see my complaint and make longer cords or retractabl­e ones.

— Betty in New York

DEAR READER: I agree. Appliance cords need to be long enough to reach the outlet, leaving room for all appliances to work safely.


Some new uses for old magazines:

■ Before painting a windowpane, dampen the edges of a magazine page and press against the glass to keep paint off. It removes easily when done.

■ Wrap a present in a colorful page.

■ Paste a page on the outside of an old wastepaper basket.

■ In a pinch, use a magazine as a trivet to keep hot dishes from scorching a tabletop.

DEAR HELOISE: Since I love so many of your recipes, I was hoping that you would have a chicken casserole recipe you would share.

— Marcie in Wisconsin

DEAR READER: Here is just what you’re looking for! You’ll need:

1 chicken, cut up or equivalent in parts

1 (8 ounce) bottle nonfat (or regular) Italian dressing

1 medium onion, peeled and sliced

4 medium potatoes, sliced (peeled or not) into bite-size pieces

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a casserole dish with nonstick spray. Place the chicken in the casserole and cover with the Italian dressing. Top with the onion and potatoes. Bake for about 1 hour or until done.

DEAR HELOISE: Since my husband retired, he never wears neckties anymore. I started thinking about ways to reuse them and came up with a couple of fun ideas. I sewed them together to make an eclectic, colorful tote bag. Or you can use them to create original designs when quilting or making pillows.

— Terri in Massachuse­tts

DEAR READER: I love these ideas! They can make such meaningful gifts full of memories.

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