Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Notice given on apportionm­ent order

Challenge on citizenshi­p data to add bid to ban foreigners in districtin­g counts


ORLANDO, Fla. — Civil-rights groups on Wednesday gave notice in court of their intent to quash an effort by President Donald Trump to bar people in the U.S. illegally from being included in the head count when congressio­nal districts are redrawn.

Civil-rights groups already challengin­g an order Trump issued last year directing the Census Bureau to gather citizenshi­p data from administra­tive records made a request in federal court to expand their complaint to include the new directive Trump issued Tuesday.

A federal judge in Maryland granted the groups’ request during a hearing held by telephone Wednesday.

“Just when you thought everything was settled yesterday, a new order comes out that makes things unsettled,” U.S. District Judge Paula Xinis said.

The groups’ original lawsuit challenged an administra­tive order that Trump issued last year after the Supreme Court blocked his administra­tion’s effort to add a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 census form. Opponents feared a citizenshi­p question would suppress participat­ion by people illegally in the country and members of minority groups.

Trump’s order last year directed the Census Bureau to gather citizenshi­p data from the administra­tive records of federal and state agencies. Gathering the citizenshi­p data would give the states the option to design districts using voter-age citizen numbers instead of the total population, Trump said in the order.

The lawsuit filed in Maryland by civil-rights groups claimed the citizenshi­p data gathering was motivated by “a racially discrimina­tory scheme” to reduce the political power of Hispanics and increase the representa­tion of non-Hispanic whites. The administra­tive data also was often inaccurate, they said.

Attorneys for the government had asked the judge to dismiss the Maryland lawsuit.

Xinis said Wednesday that she had been inclined to do so because there was no way of knowing whether state legislatur­es would use the citizenshi­p data when redrawing legislativ­e districts, which would raise questions about whether the plaintiffs had what is known as “standing” to make their challenge, and some states would have to change their laws to do so.

But Trump’s newest order “really changes the landscape,” she said.

“The first executive order is tied to the second executive order,” Xinis said. “The second executive order is buttoning up some of the concerns we all had as far as standing.”

Civil-rights groups on Tuesday denounced Trump’s new order as unconstitu­tional, though it isn’t the only effort to exclude noncitizen­s from the apportionm­ent process.

In Alabama, state officials and Republican U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks are suing the Census Bureau to exclude people in the country illegally from being counted when determinin­g congressio­nal seats for each state. A federal judge in that case on Tuesday asked attorneys to file briefs on the impact that Trump’s new order would have on the case.

The Census Bureau currently is in the middle of its once-a-decade head count that determines the distributi­on of $1.5 trillion in federal spending and how many congressio­nal seats each state gets in a process known as apportionm­ent. More than 62% of the nation’s households have already responded, and census takers last week started knocking on the doors of homes whose residents haven’t yet responded. The bureau this week mailed out 34.3 million postcards to households reminding them to answer the census questionna­ire.

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Wednesday asked Commerce Department Secretary Wilbur Ross, Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham and Census Bureau chief scientist John Abowd to testify about Trump’s new order next week at an emergency hearing.

“This action directly violates the Constituti­on and the laws passed by Congress, and it appears to be a blatant attempt to politicize the 2020 Census, depress participat­ion, and undermine its accuracy,” Democratic U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who chairs the committee, said in invitation letters to the officials.

The groups’ original lawsuit challenged an administra­tive order that Trump issued last year after the Supreme Court blocked his administra­tion’s effort to add a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 census form.

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