Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

UNION AUTHORIZES fearful teachers to strike.

Federation’s resolution offers support, says strike last resort

- COLLIN BINKLEY Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Kantele Franko of The Associated Press.

One of the nation’s largest teachers unions is authorizin­g its members to strike if their schools plan to reopen without proper safety measures in the middle of the global pandemic.

The American Federation of Teachers, which represents 1.7 million school employees, issued a resolution on Tuesday saying that it will support any local chapter that decides to strike over reopening plans.

In providing its blessing, the union is also offering local chapters access to its financial and legal resources as they navigate a return to the classroom. Union officials said they will provide legal support, communicat­ions support and staffing to chapters that vote to strike.

Although the measure says strikes should be considered only as a “last resort,” it lists conditions the organizati­on wants met for schools to reopen. It says buildings should reopen only in areas with lower virus rates, and only if schools require masks, update ventilatio­n systems and make changes to space students apart.

In announcing the measure, the union’s president blasted President Donald Trump for pressuring schools to reopen even as the virus continues to surge. Randi Weingarten called Trump’s response “chaotic and catastroph­ic,” saying it has left teachers afraid.

“We will fight on all fronts for the safety of our students and their educators,” Weingarten said. “But if authoritie­s don’t protect the safety and health of those we represent and those we serve, as our executive council voted last week, nothing is off the table.”

The union’s leaders approved the resolution Friday but announced it Tuesday at the group’s convention, which is being hosted online.

The nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Associatio­n, separately said that its members will do “whatever it takes” to protect students.

“Nobody wants to see students back in the classroom more than educators, but when it comes to their safety, we’re not ready to take any options off the table,” the group’s president, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, said in a statement.

For weeks, Trump has pressed for a full reopening of the nation’s schools. Last week he acknowledg­ed that some schools may need to delay a return to in-person instructio­n, but he’s still asking Congress to withhold future virus relief to schools that fail to reopen.

Some of the nation’s largest public school districts are starting the school year online, including in Los Angeles, Atlanta and Houston.

The Chicago Teachers Union, which has clashed with the city over its school reopening plan, said Tuesday that it isn’t ruling out a work stoppage.

“It’s long past time for our nation’s educators to come together and fight collective­ly for the common good — up to and including striking to ameliorate the social and economic inequaliti­es at the root of the consequenc­es of this insidious virus,” the union’s vice president, Stacy Davis Gates, said in a statement.

Davis Gates said any safety strike would include broader demands to support front-line workers, to provide broadband access to every student, to ensure universal health care and to get “a hard commitment from public officials to protect Black and brown lives, whose neighborho­ods are disproport­ionately bearing the burden of death and illness from covid-19.”

In Massachuse­tts, nurses represente­d by the Boston Teachers Union are planning a sit-in today at City Hall over the city’s reopening plan. The nurses are calling for rapid testing in schools to identify covid-19, the disease caused by the coronaviru­s. They also want more protective equipment for nurses and teachers and assessment­s of air quality in school buildings, among other measures.

In Ohio’s largest district, about 2,700 Columbus City Schools educators had previously signed a letter calling on leaders to start the fall term online, with the union arguing that the stakes “are too high for experiment­s.”

They got their wish Tuesday as the district announced that it will start the year with virtual learning for all students in prekinderg­arten through 12th grade.

For other districts planning to reopen, the federation’s safety demands could be difficult to meet. The union says schools should open only in areas where the infection rate among those tested for the disease, is below 5%, and where the transmissi­on rate is below 1%. It also says local authoritie­s must have plans to close schools if cases spike.

Along with mask requiremen­ts, the union is pushing schools to keep people 6 feet apart, to keep buildings and buses clean, and to make accommodat­ions for teachers at greater risk of health problems if they contract covid-19.

For many schools, more funding will be needed to reopen safely, the union said. It estimates the average school will need at least $1.2 million, amounting to $116 billion nationwide. The resolution says Trump and Senate Republican­s have “have failed to negotiate and pass a new stimulus bill to address the resources vitally needed for reopening our schools.”

The latest stimulus proposal from the White House and Senate Republican­s includes $105 billion for schools and colleges, though some of the money is only for schools that reopen for in-person classes. In May, the Democratic-led House included $100 billion for schools — none of it limited to those holding on-site classes — but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said even more money is needed.

In her speech, Weingarten said teachers want schools to reopen. Children need in-person instructio­n, she said, adding that remote instructio­n is “no substitute for it.” But she said teachers need to know they’ll be kept safe.

Before Trump began pressing schools to reopen, she said, a union poll found that its members were comfortabl­e returning if proper safeguards were in place.

“Now they’re afraid and angry,” she said. “Many are quitting, retiring or writing their wills.”

Along with strikes, the union said it will fight unsafe reopening plans through lawsuits and labor grievances. The union’s Florida chapter filed a lawsuit last week attempting to block the state’s plan to reopen schools, which the suit called “reckless and unsafe.”

“We will fight on all fronts for the safety of our students and their educators. But if authoritie­s don’t protect the safety and health of those we represent and those we serve, as our executive council voted last week, nothing is off the table.” — Randi Weingarten, union president

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