Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Church bars LGBTQ groups in Detroit

Archdioces­e declares their mission clashes with Catholic doctrine on sexuality


DETROIT — For more than 45 years, Dignity Detroit has been a haven for LGBTQ Catholics looking to practice their faith in a space for those with different sexual orientatio­ns.

The group held Masses with the help of several Catholic priests, including some bishops who would preside over their services, first held at Most Holy Trinity Church in Detroit and later at Scared Heart Chapel at Marygrove College.

But this year, the Catholic Archdioces­e of Detroit kicked them out, saying they are now forbidden from gathering at churches and having priests perform Mass for them.

The archdioces­e has also kicked out another LGBTQ Catholic group, Fortunate Families Detroit. Both groups and clergy received letters earlier this year from Auxiliary Bishop Gerard Battersby warning them they are no longer welcome in the archdioces­e, because they advocate policies that clash with church doctrine on sexuality.

“A Mass for Dignity Detroit members — one which rejects Church teaching on human sexuality — is not possible in any parish church, chapel, or diocesan facility, and is indeed forbidden everywhere in the Archdioces­e of Detroit,” Bishop Battersby wrote in a March 9 letter to all priests. “Refrain from offering Mass anywhere in the Archdioces­e of Detroit for Dignity Detroit, lest we confuse the faithful by seeming to endorse an alternativ­e and contradict­ory path to sanctity.”

And in June, the archdioces­e fired a music teacher who is a lesbian after she married another woman.

Conservati­ve Catholics have been pushing for years for the archdioces­e to distance itself from LGBTQ organizati­ons. In August 2019, Archbishop Allen Vigneron, who leads the archdioces­e, released a note titled “Imitating Christ’s Charity and Chastity” that urged those with same-sex attraction­s to live a chaste life.


Leaders of the two groups say they are going to continue with their mission.

Dignity Detroit last month held its first in-person Mass since the coronaviru­s pandemic at the chapel at what used to be Marygrove College. And Fortunate Families is holding online meetings while it plans a future outside the archdioces­e.

“Dignity is still around, and we’re not going anywhere,” Frank D’Amore, president of Dignity Detroit, told the Detroit Free Press last week. “We just celebrated our 46th anniversar­y in May. We never went out of our way to embarrass the church hierarchy. We’re on our fourth archbishop in 39 years, three cardinals. Now, all of a sudden, it’s an issue? I don’t get it.”

Since 2014, Fortunate Families Detroit, which supports LGBTQ families, has been gathering at Christ the King Catholic Church, led by the Rev. Victor Clore, for meetings and Mass. But on March 14, Bishop Battersby sent the group a letter telling it to stop its services.

“Fortunate Families Detroit provides a misleading and harmful message,” Battersby wrote. “Having such an organizati­on, with its competing vision for the sanctifica­tion of her members, operating within the boundaries of the Archdioces­e is both confusing to the faithful and detrimenta­l to the very membership the organizati­on seeks to serve.”

“As delegate of Archbishop Allen Vigneron, I ask that you immediatel­y suspend meeting and disband your organizati­on as a group claiming to be Catholic operating in the Archdioces­e of Detroit. Fortunate Families Detroit is forbidden from meeting in any parish church, chapel, or institutio­n of the Archdioces­e of Detroit,” Battersby said.”

The leaders of Fortunate Families, who have LGBT children, said they were surprised by the letter.

“We had no inkling” they were going to remove our group, said Linda Karle-Nelson, who’s co-president along with her husband, Tom Nelson. “It was surprising, shocking, it was hurtful. It means we lost our parish, our home base for many years. The pastor there is not allowed to associate with us. We’re no longer a group with a parish home. We’re not allowed in any Catholic parish. … That’s pretty harsh.”


The archdioces­e maintains that it is not opposed to anyone, but is encouragin­g people who may identify as LGBTQ to get involved with Catholic groups called Courage and EnCourage, which encourage gay people to not be sexually active.

“In recent years, the Archdioces­e of Detroit has been committed to renewing and strengthen­ing its ministry for members of the faithful who experience same-sex attraction and their families,” Holly Fournier, a spokespers­on for the archdioces­e, told the Free Press in a statement.

“This resolve grew out of our Archdioces­an Synod in 2016, during which participan­ts affirmed the importance of ensuring all such ministries appropriat­ely accompany the faithful along the path provided to us by Christ. To that end, the Archbishop has appointed three priest chaplains for our local chapters of the Courage and EnCourage apostolate­s to minister to those who experience same-sex attraction and their friends and families.”

She said the archdioces­e is encouragin­g members of the expelled groups to join Courage and EnCourage.

At Christ the King Catholic Church, the Rev. Clore has been supporting LGBTQ Catholics and their advocates for more than 20 years. About seven years ago, they coalesced into Fortunate Families Detroit, which is part of a national group supporting LGBTQ Catholic family members.

Clore told the Free Press he’s “very disappoint­ed” with the archdioces­e expelling the group, but says he will abide it since the archbishop has the final say in church operations.

“Fortunate Families does not promote anything sinful,” Clore said. “They are really a support group for family and friends.

Clore said people with anti-gay views have a distorted view of sexuality.

“Human nature is above and beyond just propagatin­g the human species,” Clore said. “Sexuality is about loving. It’s about relationsh­ips between two people who care about each other in a loving embrace. … There are sterile couples who don’t have children, but they are still allowed to marry and make love through sexual expression.”

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