Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Just a fake moderate


The political party that brought us slavery, secession, Civil War, Jim Crow, the “great” in Great Depression, the original voter suppressio­n and school segregatio­n, mass slaughter of innocents, and the use of the “Justice” department to attack political enemies has now given us the fake moderate.

Just as candidates pretending to be moderate gave Nancy Pelosi the speakershi­p in 2018, now they have given us their “moderate” candidate for president. When, despite low polling individual­ly, the mass of extreme leftist candidates in this year’s nomination sucked up all the oxygen in the race and the other “moderates” gained no traction, all of a sudden Old Joe Biden became the great “moderate” hope to head off Bernie Sanders and the other Soviet-loving extremists. The party having genuflecte­d to Joe for his moderation and electabili­ty, it seems the extreme leftists took over his campaign while the doddering and foolish-sounding Joe embraced all their most extreme policies, declared Sanders his economics czar and O’Rourke his gun czar, and generally became a creature wholly owned by the far left.

This is the Democrats’ “moderate” candidate? Are we going to be fooled by this subterfuge into embracing the wholly un-American ideas of ending the electoral college, opening the borders and offering free benefits to anyone who wanders across, undermine business and property rights while trashing our freedoms of religion, assembly, and self-defense?

Chris Plante had it right: Today’s Democratic Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.


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