Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Our Faustian bargain


I intend to stage Gounod’s opera “Faust,” based on Goethe. The main characters are Faust, an aging scholar who wishes he had experience­d a full life with love; Mephistoph­eles, who offers up a pure woman as an object of immediate satisfacti­on (in exchange for a price, of course: Faust’s soul); and Marguerite, the modest, chaste, and devout woman. Faust has little respect for her, only selfish desire, and of course he takes the deal.

Marguerite’s brother Valentin asks young Siebel to look after her. Siebel’s affections for Marguerite are pure, but Mephistoph­eles’ thumb is on the scales and Faust wins the competitio­n. Later, an abandoned and humiliated Marguerite is cursed by both Valentin and Mephistoph­eles, and she dies. Deus ex machina, angels hear her prayers, defeat the curses, and carry her soul off to heaven.

In my production, Mephistoph­eles is sung by Donald Trump. Faust is sung by Republican­s, led by Mitch McConnell, who have sold their souls for their immediate interests in reelection, power, etc. Marguerite is the United States of America, the victim of the cruel drama. Siebel is sung by Democrats: They have honest desires for Marguerite, but the competitio­n is rigged and they are ineffectiv­e. Valentin and Marguerite’s guardian Marthe are sung by the voters of America: They care about Marguerite but are far too passive about their responsibi­lities and the drama they are witnessing.

Opening night is Tuesday, Nov. 3. Can we rid ourselves of Mephistoph­eles? If we can do so that day, the production will happily be canceled. RICHARD CHAPMAN Little Rock

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