Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Holocaust getting lost to history in social media age

- TERRY MATTINGLY Terry Mattingly leads GetReligio­ and lives in Oak Ridge, Tenn. He is a senior fellow at the Overby Center at the University of Mississipp­i.

I t wa s the kind of open-ended question researcher­s ask when they want survey participan­ts to have every possible chance to give a good answer.

A recent 50-state study of millennial­s and younger Generation Z Americans included this: “During the Holocaust, Jews and many others were sent to concentrat­ion camps, death camps and ghettos. Can you name any concentrat­ion camps, death camps or ghettos you have heard of?”

Only 44% could remember hearing about Auschwitz, and only 6% remembered Dachau, the first concentrat­ion camp. Only 1% mentioned Buchenwald, where Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel was a prisoner when the American Third Army arrived.

Another question: “How was the Holocaust carried out?” While 30% knew that there were concentrat­ion camps, only 13% remembered poison-gas chambers.

“That was truly shocking. I have always thought of Auschwitz as a symbol of evil for just about everyone,” said Gideon Taylor, president of the Conference of Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, the nonprofit behind the survey. “It has always been the ultimate example of what hate can lead to if we don’t find a way to stop it.”

It was a sobering “wake-up call,” he added, to learn that half of the young Americans in this survey “couldn’t name a single concentrat­ion camp. … It seems that we no longer have common Holocaust symbols in our culture, at least not among our younger generation­s.”

Popular culture is crucial. It has, after all, been nearly 30 years since the release of Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List,” so that landmark movie isn’t a cultural reference point for many young people. And it has been 20 years since the original “X-Men” movie, which opens at the gates of Auschwitz, and almost a decade since “X-Men: First Class,” which offered a variation on that concentrat­ion-camp imagery.

Old movies and school Holocaust-education materials, said Taylor, are clearly being buried in informatio­n from social media and search engines.

“The world has changed so much in terms of how informatio­n is transmitte­d,” he said. “Obviously the internet has transforme­d how young people take in stories and informatio­n. … Twenty years ago, we could assume that most students were being exposed to books by Elie Wiesel” in history classes, or “movies like ‘Schindler’s List’ or ‘Sophie’s Choice.’ We cannot assume this anymore.”

It was encouragin­g that 80% of survey respondent­s said Holocaust education projects should continue and 64% thought these class sessions should be compulsory.

Neverthele­ss, this survey about Holocaust history should trouble citizens who worry that future generation­s will fail to recognize outbreaks of terror and persecutio­n, said evangelica­l activist John Stonestree­t in a Break-Point radio commentary written with David Carlson.

Imagine, he said: “Millions of religious and ethnic minorities — men, women and children — herded on to trains, hauled away to concentrat­ion camps for ‘reeducatio­n,’ used for slave labor, their heads shaved, and hair used for products sold to support the government. Women forcibly sterilized, babies forcibly aborted.”

That’s happening in China right now with Muslim Uighurs and other religious minorities, Stonestree­t noted. Students who fail to learn the unique lessons of Holocaust history could struggle to “distinguis­h between heroes and villains” in today’s world.

Taylor also stressed that the Claims Conference survey offered disturbing evidence that radical forms of Holocaust denial are gaining traction in internet subculture­s. Young people who do online term-paper searches for “Holocaust” informatio­n will now be exposed to anti-Semitic materials from around the world.

Nearly half (49%) of survey participan­ts said they had seen Holocaust denial materials on social media platforms and other websites, and 56% of them — across all 50 states — said they had seen Nazi symbols in social media messages. Meanwhile, 36% of those interviewe­d said that 2 million or fewer Jews died in the Holocaust, instead of the correct answer of 6 million.

Researcher­s were stunned that 11% of survey participan­ts believed that Jews actually caused the Holocaust — including 19% of those contacted in New York.

At this point, Holocaust denial is not a product of radicals on “the left or the right. It’s better to say that they are just out there on the fringe,” Taylor said. “What has changed is that the internet has given them a megaphone they didn’t have before. … It’s an online platform that they clearly are using to influence more and more young people.”

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