Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

What’s in our future?


Worried about our nation’s future? A nation in which health care, higher education and housing are beyond the reach of the average pocketbook has no future. A nation with a private and public debt overhang of tens of trillions of dollars has no future. A nation in which corporate elites brazenly enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else by buying politician­s, manipulati­ng tax law, cannibaliz­ing acquisitio­ns, sending jobs overseas, rigging prices and sponging off government subsidies has no future.

A nation that betrays its allies, cozies up to its enemies, and subverts its own intelligen­ce services has no future. A nation that does not value public service has no future. A nation that invites foreign interferen­ce in its elections has no future. A nation in which every racial, ethnic, and religious group hates the others has no future. A nation that can’t get its act together to deal effectivel­y with pandemics and environmen­tal degradatio­n has no future.

A nation that can’t tell fact from fiction has no future. A nation that punishes those who seek and speak the truth, while rewarding criminals and liars, has no future. A nation in thrall to its own trigger-happy lunatic fringe has no future. And a nation presided over by a deranged, self-dealing scofflaw-in-chief—you guessed it— has no future.

There actually is no future worth contemplat­ing unless a vast majority of voters can put the nation back on the rails again in time. And if they can’t, we’ll all just be singing “Bye, bye, Miss American Pie …”



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